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"Eomma are we going back to the Philippines?" Yeseul asked me while I'm folding her luggage.

"Yes baby." I answered her and stopped with I'm doing and looked at her.

"But why?" She asked sulking.

"Because we need to." I answered and brushed her hair.

"But I'm still enjoying it here. Can't we stay for a bit longer?" She whined.

"But baby, you'll have your classes soon. And I have work to do back in the Philippines remember?" I told her.

"I know eomma. But can't we stay for one more week?" She insisted.

I can sense something off with my daughter.

"Yeseul ah, tell eomma the truth, why do you want to stay here." I said to her and looked at her intently.

"It's just I want to stay here." She whispered but enough for me to hear.

"Yeseul ah, last week you told me that you already want to go back to the Philippines because you miss your classmates already and now you want to stay? Come on baby you can tell mommy the reason on why you want to stay." I said with a gentle voice.

She started fumbling with her fingers.

"I want to know if my hunch is true. So can't we stay for a bit longer eomma?" She said that made my brows knit.

"What hunch baby?" I asked her.

"The ahjusshi last night. He's my father right eomma?" She asked me. It took me by surprise.

Did Soojung unnie told her about Jungkook?

"Ho-ow c-a-an you say s-s-o b-ab-by?" I asked nervously.

"By the look on your face eomma." She said.

I took a deep breath.

Why is my daughter so smart and observant? If she'll continue to be like this she'll know sooner or later that Jungkook is her father.

"Come here baby." I said and carried her and placed her on my lap.

"The ahjusshi last night. He's not your father. He's just a close friend of eomma that I haven't seen for a long time." I lied.

She eyed me with her 'I'm not convinced look'

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, are you doubting eomma?" I asked her and gave her my dishearted look.

"No, eomma. I believe you. But can we go to the amusement park before we leave?" She requested

I smiled at her and nodded my head.

"Okay, we will go to the amusement park." I told her and pinched the tip of her nose.

"So you should go sleep now so we can enjoy at the amusement park tomorrow." I told her.

She quickly laid down on her bed.

I smiled as I stood up and helped tucked my daughter to bed.

"Can you sing me a lullaby to sleep?" She adorably said.

I joined her under the sheets and hugged her, she hugged me back and I started humming a soft lullaby.

Soon Yeseul went to her dreamland.

I caressed my daughter's hair and stared at her lovely face.

"Yeseul ah. I'm sorry if I can't give you the family you deserve. I'm sorry if you don't have a father. " I stopped to wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry if I lack in so many ways as your mother. I don't deserve a perfect daughter like you Yeseul ah. I hope you can forgive me someday." I said and kissed her forehead. A tear fell from my eyes landed on her forehead. I brushed the tear away and slowly got down from her bed and went to my room.

I still need to pack my luggage. We are going back to the Philippines, a day after tomorrow.

I went to grab my suitcase from the corner of my room and went to my closet and took some of my folded clothes and placed it in my suitcase. I'll try to pack all of my things here in this house and bring it to the Philippines.

I don't have any plans on coming back here in Korea, the same for Yeseul and my family. We will migrate to the Philippines and stay there for good.

I already told my parents the reason why and when they heard what Jungkook have said, Hyoin, eomma and myself needed to stop my father, he wants to confront Jungkook and probably he might give him a good beating.

I would have love to see his face be beaten by my father, he deserve it for being such an ass, but thinking about the consequences it may bring to my family I think it might be better to just shrug it off.

I took a deep breath and just continued packing my stuffs. I stood up and went to my closet to grab some more clothes.

While grabbing some of my old clothes, a piece of paper fell.

I knitted my brow as I looked at the single piece of paper. I placed the clothes I grabbed on my bed and picked the piece of paper that fell.

I tucked the strands of my hair that's blocking my face behind my ear. I sat on my bed and opened the paper.

It was dated almost six years ago. A few days after my break up with Jungkook.

The memories are still vivid in my mind. The date, the time everything.

I gasped as I saw the sender of the letter

It's from Jungkook.

He gave me a letter five years ago? But how come? I never received any before.

But for me it doesn't matter. I folded the letter once again without reading a single word from it.

But I don't even know myself since I find the letter I got from Jungkook inside my luggage with my other clothes and necessities.

I'll read it. But not now maybe back in the Philippines. Who knows if that letter might change my mind and just stay here in Korea and I don't want that. I already gave my word. And I'll be firm about that.

I continued packing my stuffs when my phone rang.

It's an unknown number but still I answered it.

"Yeobeoseo? Who's this?" I asked but the other line is quiet.

"Hello? Who's this?" I asked again but there's still no response from the other line. Then out of blue the line went dead.

I knitted my brows.

"What was that? It that some kind of a prank?" I mumbled to myself.

But I just shrugged it off. But my phone vibrated. This time it was a text.

From: Sungyoonie oppa.

Yeinie I heard about what happened back in Sujeong's wedding. Are you alright? Don't reply since its already late. Let's just meet tomorrow. I'll just text you tomorrow morning.

I unconsciously smiled. I'm really glad to have a thoughtful oppa like Sungyoon.

I finished packing my stuffs and tucked myself to sleep.

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