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"Are you in a hurry Yein?" Marie one of my co-teacher in work asked me.

"Yeah, my daughter is sick. She has a fever for almost four days now." i said while still fixing my stuffs.

"Yeseul? Your daughter? What happened?" She asked.

"I actually don't know. She was fine after her birthday but the next day she got a high fever." I told her and slinged my bag over my shoulder.

"Yeseul should visit a doctor Yein. A two days fever is not normal moreover a four days fever. Mind to tell you kids are prone to dengue these days." She said. I was about to ask her what is dengue, when my phone rang.

Hyoin is calling me.

"Eo, Hyoin ah? Wae?"

"Un-n-ni-i-ie....." when I heard what  Hyoin said I hurriedly rushed out the office.

Please, please don't let anything bad happen to my daughter.

I rushed to the hospital luckily it wasn't traffic. I went to emergency room

I saw Hyoin sitting in the waiting area with my parents they all have their heads down and I can hear my mom and Hyoin sobbing

"Eomma!" I said out loud that made my mom look at me and stood up.

"Ye-i-in ah..." she crackly said and went towards me.

"Where's Yeseul?" I asked panicking as I look around looking for Yeseul.

"The doctor took her for some tests, they'll be back soon." My mom said.

"Mom what happened to Yeseul? She was fine when I left home why is she here in the hospital?" I hysterically asked my mom. I tried to calm myself but soon tears rushed down my cheeks.

Yeseul was fine earlier she has a slight fever but she was smiling and even asked me to buy her a frappe. But why is my daughter here?

I'm starting to overthink.

"Relatives of Jeong Yeseul?" A doctor asked who just came out of the emergency room.

I immediately run towards him.

"I'm the mother."

The doctor gave me a look of sympathy before proceeding to tell me Yeseul's condition.

"You're daughter is not in a good condition, she's suffering from Dengue Shock Syndrome. Which is the deadliest stage of dengue, fatality is expected around 24 hrs if not treated immediately.  We saw bleeding and her platelet and plasma count is continuously dropping. She's under observation in the ICU. For now we injected a few medication to help her body from the shock, she also needs a blood transfusion as soon as possible. To tell you the truth your daughter is in a critical condition." I collapsed when I understand what he said.

My daughter is in grave danger.

My mom helped stood up.

"Pull yourself together Yein ah." I heard my mother whisper to my ear.

I gave her a small nod with tears in my eyes.

"What should I do doc?" I asked trying to compose myself. I need to be strong for Yeseul.

"May I ask what is your bloodtype?"the doctor asked me.

"My bloodtype is B doc." I answered I saw him shake his head.

"Is there a problem doc." I asked as try to compose myself to not be hysterical.

"You're not a compatible donor to the patient. The patients blood type is AB-, which is the rarest bloodtype. Since your not compatible for the transfusion I believe the father is the compatible one." He said.

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