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"The patient's condition is now stable, but for now we will observe her for the next 24 hrs and see if she'll get better and if she does we will transfer her into a regular room tomorrow evening." The doctor said.

I sighed in relief as Yeseul is now stable. I felt Jungkook rub my back. I looked at him and smiled.

"I'll get going Miss Jeong." The doctor said and left.

I was left with Jungkook by my side.

"You should take a rest. I'll be the one to look after Yeseul." Jungkook said.

I shaked my head no.

"The doctors won't allow us to stay for the night. I already asked them earlier of we could stay but they told me that they don't have enough facility for the guardians of the patients in ICU and they just us to come back early in the morning. We need to go home." I said a bit dissatisfied with this hospital. Are all hospitals like this? I want to stay with Yeseul tonight but I can't.

"What about your parents? Aren't they going to be here soon?" He asked

"I already texted Hyoin. I told them to come back tomorrow morning. "I said and glanced at the glass window of the ICU and saw my daughter lying weakly on the bed

"If that's the case let's go now. We might stuck on traffic if we won't leave right away." Jungkook said.

I looked at Yeseul for the last time and gave Jungkook a nod. 

I walk ahead of him and he just tailed me like a lost puppy.

When we reached the hospitals entrance, heavy rain started to pour. And it gets heavier every minute and it looks like it won't stop for a while.

I just heaved a sigh.

"It's raining." I heard Jungkook who is already beside me said.

"I know." I said.

"We can't drive in this kind of weather." He said and looked at me.

"You're right. My house is a 30 minute drive away from here. Yours?" I asked him.

"20 minutes." He said and looked at the rain.

"What to do? Both of our places are quite far and driving is not a good option. Where are we going to spend the night?" I asked him. We both need some good rest but luck is not on our sides.

"I have an idea." He snapped his fingers and looked at me.

I raised my brows as I can see through his expression that he has this one silly idea.

"What is it?" I asked.

Instead of answering me he looked at the wall post behind me and walked towards it.

My widened by what he did next.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" I exclaimed out loud.


And now here I am wiping Jungkook with a damp cloth. When I looked at his face he is smiling widely.

I got annoyed and flicked his forehead.

"Yah! It hurts!" He hissed in pain as he touched his head that has a bandage.

"I can't believe you really! Are you still sane? Cause I believe you're not." I mocked.

"Jeong Yein I'm totally fine. But I think that my brain got shaken a bit. " he said and cheekily smiled.

"You're really proud of what you did huh?" I asked him.

He hummed a yes.

I pinched his arm.

"Whose brain wouldn't be shaken if you hit a wall post real hard? Seriously what were you thinking?" I asked him in disbelief.

Yes, Jeon Jungkook slammed his head on a wall post. I actually don't know if he's an escapee from a mental institution because I believe he is! He definitely lost his mind.

"I just did it since we don't have a place to stay for the night and the hospital wouldn't let us stay with Yeseul in the ICU and you can also add the fact that rain is still heavily pouring outside and we can't drive back to our places. I just found solution to the problem can't you just thank me?" He sneered.

"Thank you?" I slowly muttered while slowly nodding my head.

"I would be more thankful if you've asked someone to shoot you in a not so fatal area that way you'll stay in the ICU along with Yeseul and I have more reasons to beg the hospital to let me stay here. You stupid bastard!" I mocked at him.

"Ouch, you somehow hurted my feelings." He dramatically said while clutching his chest.

"I know you're an actor but can you please just shut your mouth?" I demanded.

He pretended to zip his mouth and threw the "key" away.

I continued wiping him with a damp cloth when he held my hand.

"I did it because I missed you." He said that made me looked at him.

"What?" I asked him confused.

I looked at him and met his eyes that are staring at me intently.

"I hit the wall post with my head so that we can stay in this hospital and you can take care of me. I know its childish, but being with you matters more to me." He said.

And there I just find myself melting to his words. His words brings warmth to this cold weather.

"I'm glad that you still have a place in your heart for me." He said

"You don't know how hard my life has been since you left Korea six years ago."

"I was a fool to follow that stupid order."  He mumbled.

His warm words are nice but I need answers.

"What do you mean order?" I asked him.

I heard him took a deep breath before answering me.

"My company asked me to break up with you. And they told me that if I don't you and your group will suffer the consequences." He said.

I was left in confusion.


"I was asked by my company to end ties with you. I was forced to. On the night of our break up I was being monitored by my manager at that time and he made sure that I really broke up with you and followed the order given by my agency, after breaking up with you he left. He didn't knew that we did 'it' and had made Yeseul in the process." He said and took a deep breath before continuing.

"But I've never broke up with you Yein." He sincerely said and looked at my eyes intently.

I can see he how sincere and truthful his words are but I'm getting skeptical.

"You've broke up with me Jungkook you did. You turned your back on Yeseul, on me. You left me without telling me your reasons. I could've understand you but you didn't even uttered a word to tell me beforehand." I said trying not to let my emotions get into me.

Don't get me wrong I just admitted to myself that I still love Jungkook but that doesn't mean that I've totally forgave him by what he had done in the past.

"You haven't read the letter I gave you am I right?"he asked and eyed me with a look.

I knitted my brows.

"Why are you bringing a letter in this conversation?" I asked him.

"The letter I gave you 5 years ago will answer all your questions. Now I get it why you never showed up that day. That day I asked you to run away with me." He said.

"What? Run away with you?" I asked him with wide eyes.

He genuinely smiled.

"Read the letter first and if you do I'll answer all your other questions." He said and cupped my cheeks.

"And Yein I just wanted to tell you that I've loved you since the first time I met you up to now. Nothing changed."

UNTIL THEN|YeinKook ✔COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now