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I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who loved and supported Until Then til the end.

No words can express my gratitude to everyone who stayed with this story from start to finish and shared their feels on every chapter. You guys don't know how excited I am whenever I type a chapter, and whenever I write a chapter I tried to put all my emotions to it.

And I hope that those emotions finds you well.

Until then was supposed to be shorter story just like my other completed story Fanboy.

It was supposed to be a 15 chapter or less story but look we reached up to chapter 33rd.

Just like what I've told you before I write without a specific plot and just work on it as the story flows. I hope that I did a great job on this one.

I'm working on other drafts to bring you more BangLyz and JeongIn ff.

Please continue to support my works and show the same love and support to my other works. You can visit my profile for the other stories.


UNTIL THEN|YeinKook ✔COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now