Chapter 23.

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I scrubbed of as much of the ruined milk with my school uniform and put on the one Min-Yo borrowed me. So-hye had some perfume to erase the smell that was eating me up. I left my hair down because it had to dry, so that was the only thing smelling, but it wasn't as bad.

I'm sitting next to Vernon who keeps laughing at me. The picture that went viral, is me in my humiliation of this morning. My uniform all spoilt with chunks and dirty colours of white creamed milk. My hair and face messed with coating of powdered milk making me look absolutely ridiculous.

You would have thought that I'd be beyond furious and run out the cafeteria and create a scene. But no, I'm actually in the cafeteria laughing my butt off with Vernon. This idiot.

When I entered the cafeteria it was really sad. Everyone looked, whispered and the one that broke me was when they laughed. I looked over at the popular table where Seolhyun sat. I noticed that she, Choa and Sowon had angry faces. I bet they expected me to come back with tears, which I won't lie, I was another verge of dying. But once I saw Jimin's encouraging face and Hoseok's pleased smile, I couldn't help but also be happy.

I decided to sit next to So-hye because I honestly couldn't face Seolhyun again. I'm sure Hoseok will get back at her one day.

I will my love

Vernon, well he's part of Kai's group and he's pretty shy. But once he saw me all that shyness swept off his face like water. He cracked up, adding to everyone else who were already laughing. Later on when he calmed down and Kai scolded him he showed me a better way of seeing it. He said something about people being jealous and that karma never forgets them and went on to saying other things. I forgot what he said but I know I cheered up immediately.

He showed me the picture and video that people had been sending around. What he showed me was the same video but it looked more funny when I didn't picture it as me- wait No- now it sounds bad..well of course if it were someone else I wouldn't laugh but because it's me..I have to laugh. It's like "Reconciling with your mistake," as Vernon said it. "Now you know what you did wrong in your past and its time to change it,"

"I get that," I sigh. "But that doesn't change the fact about what they did to me,"

"It doesn't," he shakes his head. "But it's you who has to change your reaction. Don't show them that you're upset. Just keep on laughing on the things that they thought would make you upset. And keep sleeping around with other people to prove the-"

"But I never slept with anyone." I interject just as much as So-hye does.

"And to prove what exactly?" She scrunches her face. "You contradicted yourself, you said she must change and now you're telling her this,"

Vernon looks to us both as if we attacked him. "Hold didn't sleep with Jimin? Then why did they do that?"

"Because they are mean girls and stomp on anyone they want," So-hye says.

I sigh again. "Does that mean everyone thinks I slept with Jimin?"

"Only the idiots and loyal Seolhyun fans believe that. The rest of us who know Seolhyun and what type of person she is, know you didn't do anything," Kai says. "For a minute there Vernon was giving such good advice you know. Until he turned into an idiot again,"

"It's still funny though," Vernon says making me chuckle at his stupidity.

"Who's she?" Kai asks. Vernon and I both look up from his voice to Min-Yo. She smiles at me.

So-hye grabs her and brings her over. "This is Min-Yo she's one of my other friends."

"Sorry to intrude your little friend group," Min-Yo says. "All my friends are idiots who think Yoona is a bitch. I wasn't gonna sit there and listen to that crazy bull,"

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