Chapter 43.

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Yoona's POV : 1 week later (after suspension)

"You've changed,"

I roll my eyes continuing to eat my fruit salad. Kai and Vernon watch in silence as So-hye and Min-yo gang up on me. First day back at school and already they are on my case.

"Change how?" I ask not at all interested.

Min-yo sarcastically laughs. I turn to look at her, she brushes her bangs away from her face. So-hye is silent keeping a watchful eye on me. She just shakes her head sighing. "You've become a baddie Kim sister. You've changed in a very bad way,"

I roll my eyes pushing the fruit salad away. "Guys," I turn to them. "I haven't changed at all. You're all just being annoying and assuming that I've changed. I'm still the same Yoona you know,"

"No you're not. You're not yourself" Min-yo says. "You aren't the same weakling who always said please and thank you,"

"Min-yo —"

"No So-hye. Let her speak," I interrupt.

So-hye nods her head and faces Min-yo.

"You are suddenly into makeup and shorter skirts, heck even the way you do your hair," she clinches her jaw. "Not only has your physical appearance changed but also your inner appearance. You are cold and more short tempered. That stunt you pulled on Seolhyun the week before was disgusting. The Yoona I know would never do that,"

I nod my head. "Just say you've never seen this side of me. You don't know me well enough to make assumptions like that,"

"I know that you know that this isn't you. You're—" she clicks her tongue searching for the word. "Different."

"Different, changed, what else do you guys want to use?" I ask leaning my head on my arms.

"Hypocrite," So-hye speaks.

"Liar," Min-yo adds.

I turn to Kai and Vernon. "Do you guys think I've changed?"

Kai nods his head and Vernon smirks.

"Honestly Yoona you've become more hot," Vernon praises. He gets glares from the other three while I thank him.

"I'm serious. You're confidence is very sexy and you're voice has gotten so much better. I feel all woman should be like this,"

"Dude," Kai shakes his head. "Yoona I like you as a friend, I mean I liked you,"

"Liked?" I ask.

He shyly smiles. "I used to think you'd be the light of this school. Your personality was sweet and approachable but now this new behaviour you're portraying is not appealing to me,"

I laugh before addressing him. "Do you think I care if you like me or not?"

"And your attitude stinks," So-hye intrudes. "But it's okay. You don't care what we think."

"This isn't highschool musical were we are all in this together or I have to care what you people think, no that's wrong. I'm living for me and not you,"

Vernon smirks. "Preach sister,"

"Did you just call us 'you people'? So now we aren't your friends anymore but instead random people?" Min-yo asks.

So-hye shakes her head. "It's pointless talking to you," she purses her lips. "There's a lot of weight on the things you say. You don't know how people get affected,"

"So-hye," I utter a tiny laugh. "Now that you bring up weight.. Please gain some weight before speaking to me, Mrs People Think I'm Fat So I gotta be Anorexic. Honestly, how can you talk about weight when you can't even manage or 'handle' your own?"

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