Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

~Lexi’s POV~

I didn’t realize how deep the cuts on Dom’s face were until I pressed a damp rag onto them. Dominic didn’t even hiss at the pressure I was putting on the wound, but his eyes did squint in pain. This was one of the many ways Dominic was like me.

“It’s okay to be yourself around me, Dom,”

“What do you mean, I’m like this with everyone…,”

“Yeah, well once upon a time Dom I wasn’t everyone,” An unspoken exchange passed between the two of us, much like it had countless times before. I might have been his little sister’s best friend, but I had also been his years before I had settled down to be hers.

“I guess I’m not like this with Lucie… but then again, she is as broken as I am,” I paused my dabbing on his cheek and then pressed hard against it, this time causing him to groan in pain.

“Lucie is not broken. She’s one of the strongest people I know. And since I left here, I’ve met a lot of people,” I couldn’t force myself to look him in the eyes, not with the amount of emotion raging inside them.

“She is strong, but she’s seen so many dark things that it’s easy for me to be myself around her because I don’t have to worry about tainting her. Because she’s as tainted as me,” the second time around didn’t make it any better, but this time his choice of wording was better.

“I don’t know what you think you know about Lucie’s past, but one thing I can tell you is that she’s not as tainted as you think. She didn’t let herself subsume to the darkness around her. I’m a testament to that. She was sent out to evaluate my danger to the hunters, and instead she got be me a job. I wasn’t working for the hunters, but she did set me up with a nice base that let me work more efficiently along with supplying me with less dangerous rouges to go after.”

“So you were in the rouge hunting business before Beau then, huh?”

“Yeah. But you weren’t though, were you?  Was that why you left?”

“No, it was something much more than that. Apparently I wasn’t the person he thought I was. A true killer.”


~Dom’s POV, 3 months ago~

“You got to admit it Dominic, that was one of our best kills yet,” Beau was drunker than I had ever seen him, so much that I was actually winning at our traditional post hunt pool game. He had a loopy smile on his face and actually happiness in his eyes, something that I hadn’t seen in my almost three months of living with him.

 “No, Beau. It was one of our worst,” Beau stood up straight, letting his pool stick fall to the floor.

“What do you mean it was one of our worst? We went in there, killed who need to be killed and got out without a single unwanted death. Usually we have to kill lesser rouges to get to the big guns, but these two, they were all alone… wait are you talking about the kid that was in the closet?” My jaw tightened as I thought back to what had happened only hours beforehand.

“Is the coast clear?” Beau was waiting behind an oversized tree about a hundred yards away from me. We had both recently sprayed ourselves with a cologne that masked our scent from other werewolves, so I had to literally turn my head and scour the nearby trees to try to figure out where Beau actually was.

“Yeah, they’re both watching that football game that’s on tonight,”

“Figures. Why couldn’t these rouges think of something more original to do before we killed them, eh Dom?”

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