Chapter 21

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How has your day been going? Mine's been going great!

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in my room. I went towards the door and tried to turn the knob...locked....of course. I sighed and tried to recollect what happened in the last couple of hours? Minutes? I don't know anymore! This reminds me of when Sane first appeared and took control.....I rather not talk about it for now....thatd a story for a later date. I scowled and felt Sane smirk in pride and accomplishment. "There's nothing for you to feel proud of you stupid...voice thing!" I heard him scoff. "'Stupid voice thing'? Really? Man you really are too innocent. You are such a dumbass." I pouted at the fact that I can't stand to cuss or anything, but yet you have Sane who has a big sailors mouth! I decided to sit and draw for the time being, seeing that I probably won't be let out for a while....dang it Sane....

Timeskip by Random idk

Ok now I'm just getting ticked. I've been here for about three hours and no one has come in. I took hold if the closest thing to me, which is a lamp, and I chucked it across the room with a loud CRASH. I then just fell to the floor and screamed and cried. I wanted out!


I heard a loud crash upstairs and knew it was from (y/n)'s room. I went to get up and check, but someone put their hand on my shoulder, making me sit back down. I turned and saw Hoodie. He shook his head at me and I sighed in response. Then I heard screaming and crying. What a salty potato....

Your POV

You know what? I'm tired...screw this I'm going to bed. I lied in bed and grabbed my stuff animal that I just realized was there. I closed my tired eyes into the world of dreams...


I don't know what else to write and I haven't been feeling the greatest lately, but here's another chapter. I wanna sat I'm sorry for now updating "A New Story" I know I know it's a bad habit of mine to forget stories, but I will be continuing that story soon don't worry! Anyway BAI MY LIL KILLER MONKS!


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