Chapter 33

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Tired..... 😫😴😪

Timeskip Two Weeks Later...

It's been two weeks since I've gotton sick and I feel way better, but once in a while I get terrible headaches. I still don't know why E.J and Hoodie were fighting. It bugs me too because everyone else seems to know and I'm just a clueless kid... 😣 I sigh as I get up from my warm bed and get dressed. I open my door and don't see anyone. Everyone must be down there already. I make my way downstairs and look around. I see BEN and Jeff playing games like usual and it's nothing new when Jeff's yelling curses as BEN cheats. He always says he doesn't, but it's pretty clear he does. I sit down on the couch and watch them, they didn't even notice me... I rubbed my eyes and see Toby walking in. My first reaction was to go up to him and put my arms out upwards to him. He chuckled and ticked as he picked me up. I rested my head on his shoulder. "A-are y-you still tired?" He asked while ticking and walking towards the couch, putting me on his lap ad he sat down. "I'm just waking up, so...yeah." Toby nodded and then we both were watching BEN and Jeff as he was raging at BEN. "ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME YOU ASSHOLE HOW FU-" I felt someone cover my ears as Jeff ranted on and on. After what seemed like an hour or my ears being covered, Jeff got up and stormed upstairs while BEN was laughing his ass off. I smiled at Toby for covering my ears and I could tell he smiled back. "Hey (y/n)! Wanna try?" He handed me...if I remember correctly a game controller and I looked over at Toby. He shrugged and I went and grabbed the controller. We played (fav/game) and I ended up really taking a liking to the game. "Children come and get breakfast!" I heard Slendy call in our minds. I quickly pressed some of the controller buttons, winning the game within seconds as BEN stared at me stunned. I then got up and walked calmly to the dinning room as BEN pouted like a child and glared at me with his arms crossed. "BEN what's got you all salty?" Jane asked just ducking in time to miss Jeff's knife that flew at her. "(Y/n) beat me at (fav/game)..." He grumbled and took his seat. Everyone looked shocked at me and I smiled smugly at BEN who glared at me. As the food was placed out I noticed Hoodie and E.J weren't here. "Slendy? Where's E.J and Hoodie?" Everyone froze. "Uhh...they went on a mission together and hopeful get their friendship back on track..." Wow what a bullshit lie. I nod my head, but know he's lying. I then go and eat with my hands.

Slender's POV

I hope (y/n) bought it. The truth is I actual sent them to Offender’s mansion has a punishment. Was that a little bit too mean of me? Yes, but they shouldn't have acted the way they did. They both almost killed each other! E.J had a broken arm and tons of bruises, including his mask being cracked. Hoodie had a about five deep cuts from E.J's scalpel and then his hoodie was ripped, showing black and blue bruises. I watch as little (y/n) eats with his hands. He has a lot to learn about manners and the world.... I'll have to teach him some things. I wonder if the asylum is still looking for him....?

They stopped looking right?


Tired..... *falls asleep* ZZZZzzzz...

Toby: S-she Ok?

Jane: She should be... Uhh... We should take her to her bed.

Masky: Who wants to carry her this time?

Offender: I can~ *smirking*

Hoodie: NOPE! I GOT HER! *picks up Monkey and runs away*

Offender: I don't see the problem? Why couldn't I take her?~ *pouts*

Jeff: Do you really want us to answer that, Mr. Rape "god"?

Offender:  Hmph! Imma go find someone better!~ *leaves*



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