Round One

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A hologram displayed profile pictures of the two groups of four underneath a flag and the name of the countries they were fighting for. For the first round, it was the American League fighting against the French League. The crowd began to cheer with anticipation and excitement, and Ruby, Boris and Pinkie were already becoming rowdy. Carly already had her phone ready to record the first round of the Strange Games. Meanwhile, Alex looked up at the hologram to see the face pictures of the two rivaling teams.

USA: Sans G., Petra J., Weiss S., Bendy D.

France: Helena L., Colette P., Isabelle N., Gen B.

Suddenly, every Strange One in the coliseum jumped out of their seats to see both teams walk into the battlefield. Ruby was already becoming more excited, from what Yang could tell. Alex, Jonas, Ren, Clarissa, Nona and Michael grinned to see four Strange Ones they know. Then, they turned to the French League. Helena, the leader of the French team, was a spider Faunus with purple hair and gray eyes. Her attire consisted of a black leather jacket over a white crop top with a spiderweb-like design with black ripped jeans and on her feet were black boots with silver buckles.

Colette had bright blue hair and she wore a blue thigh-high dress with white shorts and a cardigan along with white sandals. Isabelle had blonde hair with antennas sticking out of her head and bee wings on her back. She wore a yellow sleeveless top with a black stripe going across with black jeans and boots. For Gen, she was a green humanoid fish with blue hair and eyes wearing a strapless blue top with a white shrug, dark blue shorts and green and pink sandals. White, fingerless gloves covered her clawed hands.

Soon, every Strange One in the coliseum calmed down and patiently waited for the brawl to begin. Everything fell into silence. Not until a female robotic voice was heard from above.

"Fighters," The voice said. "Prepare for battle."

Both teams began to prepare for the first battle. Petra summoned a sword, Sans' left eye glowed, Weiss unsheathed her rapier and pointed the blade at the rival team and Bendy opened a hatch in his spear before he looked at Weiss.

"Hey, princess," Bendy said, getting her attention. "Do you have any dust on you? I just need five."

Rolling her bright blue eyes, Weiss reached into her pockets before pulling out several vials of colorful dust. "What kind do you need?"

"Does it matter?" He took five vials from her. One held white dust, one held blue dust, one held purple dust, one held red dust and the last held yellow dust. One by one, he pulled out a cork of a vial before sticking the dust into his weapon.

For the rival team, Helena unsheathed a pair of daggers, Colette's hands glowed a bright blue, Isabelle readied a whip and Gen pulled out a flute.

"Team USA, are you ready?" The voice asked.

"Everyone ready?" Petra looked at the others.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Sans said.

"Ready." Weiss nodded.

"Ready's my middle name." Bendy grinned.

"Is it really?" The snow-haired girl gave the demon creature a look.

"Team France, are you ready?" The voice was heard again.

"You girls ready?" Helena turned to her team, who gave her nods.

"Come on! Come on!" Ruby said as she began to jump.

"Watch and learn, Betty." Frisk whispered to the disguised Construct who sat next to her. "You are about to see one of our cherished traditions of all time!"

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