Victim to the streets....

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Waking up to the sun rays peeking through the blinds of the bedroom, I furrowed my eyebrows as the sun heated up the side of my face. I slowly turned over so my back could face the window. Feeling well rested, my eyes fluttered open and with that, I noticed that I was in bed alone. Taking a deep breath, I laid there as I let my eyes roam his bedroom, our bedroom.

It's been about 2 weeks since I moved in and to say the least, I was still getting used to things. I really lived here with this man that I was once afraid of. It's funny how things play out but I'm glad that things played out the way that they did. God works in mysterious ways. Good or bad, I'm content with things. Slowly sitting up, I pulled the unkempt covers from my legs before swinging my legs off of the bed. Standing up, I walked over to my house shoes and left the bedroom.

Making my way to the bathroom, I closed the door and used the bathroom. Aftwards, I went ahead and brushed my teeth and washed my face. Once I finished, I gazed at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over my head, my flaws shown face but that didn't bother me because I was home. I was comfortable, here as I was...

As I cleaned up my slight mess, I couldn't help but hear faint music coming from front. Leaving the bathroom, I walked along the hallway, ignoring the sound of the wooden that squeaked. I made my way to the kitchen to see August cooking breakfast, I believe. Smiling at the sight of him, I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "Good morning", I said as I rested my head against his back and let my hands travel up his shirt.

Running them over his abdomen as "Happily Ever After" by Case suddenly sounded through the speakers of the stereo, I closed my eyes and let the beautiful sound of the piano take over.

At first he wasn't into this position but after a while, he didn't too much care, he allowed me to do what I wanted. He loved the affection I'd show to him."Good mornin lady", he said as he tended to the breakfast skillet that I believe consisted of eggs, cheese, bell peppers, onions, sausage and hashed browns. Taking my hands from up his shirt, I moved over to actually see him preparing everything. He gave the food his entire attention and with that, I admired him. The simple things like this was so beautiful to me. Simplicity was indeed a beautiful thing between those who loved one another.

Smelling what I believe to be honey biscuits from the toaster oven, I grabbed the oven mitt and walked over to it and opened it. Seeing that they were in fact done, I took them out and placed the hot pan on the towel that I spreaded out on the countertop.

As August placed the finished food on two separate plates, I made my way to the fridge for some butter and I grabbed a butter knife from the drawer. Just as I made my way back to butter the biscuits, August grabbed me which automatically made me place the butter and butter knife down. Pulling me towards him, I smiled a bit and with that, he began singing along with the music which always overwhelmed me.

"Guess what I did today? Those were the words I said to you. It was last May, don't know the exact day. In my hand there was a ring.", he sang effortlessly as he continued.
"Then you told me that you loved me... more than anything in your life. So I asked you would you do me the honor of being my wife", he sang as he got on his knee and grabbed my left hand, acting out the lyrics to the song.

Smiling from ear to ear, I joined in on the song. "Yes, I will", I sang along.

Standing to his feet, he gazed down at me and continued. "I will be your man. Your protector, your best friend. Till my humble life is ended and time begins again, couldn't we be", he sang beautifully as he pulled me into him and we both began slow dancing to the song, reminding me of how my parents used to be.

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