Chapter 3---Protected

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Tweek's eyes were locked on these dark blue eyes of the wolf. He felt his body shake but his feet were stuck to the ground. He felt warmth rise up from his chest for a moment then he felt something grab him. He let out a small yelp as he saw Clyde and Token had pulled him back down. "Dude?! What are you thinking? Are you TRYING to get eatten?!" Clyde half whispered, half shouted at Tweek.

Tweek was trying to find the words to speak but nothing came out. There was a long, loud howl as they all three looked back up the hill slowly. The dark blonde wolf and black wolf stood slowly as they both watched the group of humans for a moment before they ran off to find their pack. Token let ou a long sigh as he sat fully on the ground now. "Well I think it is time to turn back," he suggested as he stood.
"But Tweek was suppose to take us to the laaaaaaaake" Clyde whined to Token. Tweek shook slightly as he looked over at Clyde then at Token. "Token i-i-i-is right Clyde...if those w-w-w-wolves were heading that way....t-t-t-they may be heading where we are going..." Tweek stammered out as he messed with his hands.

Clyde groaned as he started to storm off the way that they came like a child. Token rolled his eyes following after him. He turned slightly looking back at Tweek who was looking around some. "Aren't you comig?" he asked. Tweek jumped slightly seeming to have spaced slightly."Gah! Not yet...I=I have to chekck on something. H-h-head on back" he told Token. Token nodded as he headed off to catch up with Clyde.

Tweek watched his two friends leave as he headed off a little further from where they were. He stopped looking around as he found some traps that were laid out. He frowned a little as he grabbed up a stick. He walked over slowly triping the traps he found. He hated seeing animals hunted that way; making them suffer then die. As he went along he found a few more disarming them and pushing them off to the side.

When he got done with the few he found he heard a low growl behind him. He jumped seeing a smaller black wolf with a red and yellow one close to it. He backed up slowlly as he started to shake tripping over a rock landing on his back. The black wolf lundged forward grabbing at Tweek's pant leg. "NONONo!" he screamed out in fear trying to pull away. The yellow wolf jumped on him baring her teeth at him growling and barking at him. This is it.....this is how it ends! I am going to be eatten!!! he thought as he started to cry.

The red wolf drew closer growling then stopped as she saw something. She moved over slowly nosing at something around Tweek's neck. She stopped in her tracks back up. The yellow one saw what the other was looking at as she got off him. She backed at the small black wolf growling at her. He carries HIS mark! she barked.

Tweek blinked confused as he looked at the wolf as the black one let go of his pant leg slowly. She walked up as she looked at the stone then growled. Tweek shook as he grabbed at the stone around his neck trying to keep it safe. The yellow wolf barked again. Wendy! Leave him be! she growled at her conrad. The black wolf, Wendy, backed away as shook with her anger. She swiped her paw across Tweek's face causing him to scream out in pain.

The red wolf shoved again Wendy hard. Bebe is right! GO!!" the wolf growled. The three wolves growled at each other for a moment more before taking off in a run. Tweek shook holding his face. He pulled his hand back seeing a little blood as he sighed. He held the small stone in his hand as he looked down at it. Was this what that kid ment by protect? he asked himself shaking still.

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