Chapter 17--Forgotten Souls

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Tweek felt his whole body freeze when he felt rough lips against his own. He then slowly felt his body wanting to melt as his eyes slowly fluttered shut. He kissed Craig back softly as he moved his hands up gripping the front of the others shirt. After a few moments Craig slowly pulled back from the kiss as Tweek's eyes opened. His heart was racing fast and he couldn't place what he was feeling at that moment.

I may have only met him but why does it feel as if I have known him from far before...Tweek thought as he looked into Craig's dark blue eyes. Craig's own heart was racing and face turning a small shade of pink. He too could not place the oter feeling that he had rushing through him.

"And I only thought that wolves could have the souls of the forgotten ones," came a soft female's voice. A tall woman with long blonde hair slowly walked towards them. Her dress she wore was tattered from having been worn a lot. She slowly pulled her hair back as her dark blue eyes fell onto Craig and Tweek. "Hello mother..." Craig said lowering his head in a small bow. Tweek felt his body starting to shake as he looked over at the woman who simply held up her middle finger at her son, who then did it in return.

"H-hello...I-I am very confused...f-forgotten souls? W-what's that...d-did I do something wrong?! Are you going to eat me?!" Tweek asked in a panic as he thought he was now in trouble since the woman had flipped him off. Craig reached out slowly petting at Tweek's hair as Craig's mom came closer. "You are not in trouble young man. My name is Laura and the gesture was towards my son. It's our way of greeting each other," she giggled lightly before letting her eyes fall onto Craig, "This is the human that you spoke of?"

Craig nodded a little as he stood taller in front of his mother. The lights from their stones around their necks slowly grew brighter before a thin streak slithered out. Tweek looked down watching the dark blue light and the green light seem to dance with each other. Laura found herself smiling, "It would seem that the forgotten souls live on within you both. And before you ask again...a forgotten soul or lost soul refures to a past life. A soul that never got to see their ending. They are few and far in between my little one," she said softly as she reached out taking Tweek's hand into her own. She drew it up slowly as she kissed at the top of is hand.

Tweek bit at his lip nervously as he watched the lights again as they slowly started to fade. He then watched as his hand was placed into Craig's after he got the kiss. "I can not turn down a blessing to a pair of souls but be warned my mate may say other wise," she said softly kissing the top of her son's head. She whispered something to Craig making his eyes grow wide before she walked away.

"W-what did she say?" Tweek asked softly as he watched Craig slowly start to lower his head. He watched the other male for a moment then saw worry in his eyes when they locked eyes once more. "I may be the Alpha...but my father is the former one. She told me that I may not be the one having to challege him to stay with you..." he said shaking some as he tightend his grip on Tweek's hand, ""You may have to be the one to challenge him"

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