Chapter 15--Unsure

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After about an hour or so Tweek met each of the people in the cave. There were about 15 people in totle not including himself and Craig. His eyes traveled over each of the people once more to try and remember faces and names. He bit at his lip slightly worried as he started to hear whispers. His head lowered slowly then he felt a soft hand on his chin. The hand slowly lifted his chin up as his eyes fell onto a pair of dark blue eyes in front of him.

"I know this is a lot to take in my moon flower," Craig told him as he watched the blonde's cheeks slowly light up in red, "They will not harm you. As long as you carry my mark then you are safe." Tweek slowly nodded some as his hand trembled a little touching at the stone around his neck. Craig felt a small jolt as he looked down at his own stone before looking at Tweek. He leaned forward kissing his forehead. "You do no need to be afraid"

"W-wait..h-how..." Tweek asked as he let go of the stone looking up at Craig. He wasn't sure how the other knew but he was indeed scared. He was honestly scared that he was going to be eatten or something worse. He felt Craig's hand slowly pet at his hair drawing Tweek out of his thoughts. "With the stone you carry, I can feel you emotions and tell when you are hurt. It suits in this way till we are properly mated," he answered.

Tweek felt his face burn even brighter shade of red. M-Mated?! Oh cheese and crackers! T-this guy w-wants to be mated to me?! W-why?! Oh!!! THIS IS TOO MUCH PRESSURE!!! he thought as he reached up to grip at his hair. He then felt a pair of hands lace their fingers into his own pullling him close. He felt his face hit Craig's chest as he then clung to the other. "That won't be for some time I know my sweet. Just remember.."

Tweek pulled himself back just enough to look up at Craig. "W-why me...t-there are plenty of stong wolves to pick from..." he found himself asking as he let his emerald eyes travel down to the ground, "I am just a weak human. I got myself caught and put you in danger looking for me. W-why would you w-want something like me?" Tweek felt his body starting to shake even harder. He felt his eyes shut as his body shook more. He felt tears welling up before he jolted slightly when he felt himself pulled into a hug.

His head turned up slowly as the tears started to run down his face. The voices from the other pack member seemed to fade out around him as if a bubble went up around them. Craig pulled back as he took Tweek's hand leading him outside the cave. He lead him around to the side near a small set of rocks. He picked Tweek up as he placed him onto one of them so that he was now face to face with the blonde. "I think it's time you hear a small story. Of why I chose you over anyone else," Craig told him as he pet Tweek's hair again.

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