Chapter 42--Settling

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Craig looked up as he felt Tweek getting closer as he stood slowly walking over to meet Tweek halfway. He looked over his mate for a moment, "Are you alright?" he asked as Tweek looked up with a smile on his face. "Yes...I did something helpful," he said with a little laugh. Craig rose an eyebrow as he went to ask what his mate meant then he heard feet shuffling behind Tweek. Kenny slowly appeared with Butters in his arms as he yawned out some. "Kenny you should rest a little," Butters said very softly.

"I will rest when I go and hunt you something nice and yummy," Kenny said fast as he sat Butters down slowly. He kissed his cheek as he looked around slightly then he took off fast out of the cave. Karen went over sitting with Butters smiling at the other glad to see him awake. Craig slowly walked over kneeling down in front of them, "Hey are you feeling?"

"I am tired but...glad to see everyone again. I am sorry that you all worried...Tweek was able to help me out a little."

"He did huh?" Craig said as he looked over at his mate for a moment before he rose up, "Please excuse me you two. Karen? Why don't you fill Butters in on what has been going on if you don't mind." Karen grinned some as she moved cuddling into the blond happy to see him awake. Craig turned away from them as their conversation started to drown out slowly. He walked back over to his mate as he looked over Tweek slowly. He reached out as he held his hand causing Tweek to slowly turn a little. His emerald eyes seemed a little dull but looked alright. "Tweek...what did you do?" he asked softly to not upset the other.

Tweek slowly lowered his head as he found himself looking away from Craig for a moment. He let out a long deep breath before looking back over. "Th-the uh...person...or old soul or...voice or w-whatever held me thought it. I...I sat down and started to m-meditate then I saw that I was standing outside of my body. Th-then I walked to where Butters, Kenny and Karen were staying and I touched his hand. I w-went into Butters mind and w-we just talked. W-when Butters was ready to wake up...I=I was tossed back and I just jumped up to go make sure t-they were alright. T-then I just started to cough and couldn't breath for a moment. I got over it quickly," Tweek told him as he bit at his lip.

"Moon flower....T-tweek..." Craig began as he let out a long deep breath at that moment, " need to be careful with these new gifts that you have. IF you are not careful it could make you extremely sick or worse. I know that you want to help and that it is in your nature but love...I worry about you" He slowly wrapped his arms around Tweek as he drew in a long deep breath taking in his scent. Tweek moved slowly as he wrapped his arms around Craig as well to hold him in a tight hug.

Kyle looked into the cave for a moment as he bit at his lip some as he ran his hand through his red curly hair. He walked back over to Stan for a moment as he tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. "I was thinking of going with them," he told him.

"Going with who?" Stan asked slightly turning his full attention to Kyle.

"To the pack house that is going to be made."

"Why would you want to do that? We have lived in this cave since we were pups..."

"I know Stan...but...after what happened and the feeling I had afterwards I was scared and wanted to just take you away from here to somewhere safe..." Kyle said as he clung to his arms some as he started to shake, "I heard her telling me I would never see you again and that I would never have a family with you..." Stan moved fast as he wrapped his arms around Kyle pulling him close to him. He drew in a long deep breath as he shut his eyes for a moment. "We can move with Tweek and them when the place is ready," he whispered.

"Really?" Kyle asked softly as he slowly pulled his face away from the others chest. Stan nodded as he found himself giving almost a playful smirk. "And if you want...we can see about adopting or even seeing if the old legends are true and have a pup of our own," he whispered to his mate. Kyle blushed brightly as he hid his face into his chest a little nodding and saying that he would like that.

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