Chapter 24--Awaken

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Craig opened his eyes as he looked around the dark area that he was in. He flinched as he looked at his chest as he rolled his eyes. "Great...that is going to scar like everything else. Unless one of the healers gets rid of it..." he grumbled slightly as he heard voices all around him. He stood not able to make out what anyone was saying. He gave a shrug slightly as he saw something walking towards it slowly. He saw his pack huddled around him as he watched different colors of lights dancing all over his body.

He watched Clyde crying as he was pulled back watching the boy turn into a small child then into a pup to hid in Token's arms. Token was talking to them as he seemed to be saying sorry for what he had done. Kenny was waving his hands slightly trying to order people away taking charge. He watched the burns slowly vanish as he flinched feeling them fade on his own body.

"This just seems so unreal.."  he sighed slightly then he heard someone begging quietly to someone to not come out. He moved slowly as he looked seeing Tweek frantically trying to push past one of the other girls who was shushing him softly. He felt warmth hit his back as he turned slightly seeing a light as he shook his head. "Not going near that..." he sighed as he took a seat to watch everything unfold like a movie.

"No Lacy! Please let me go to him...something doesn't feel right and no one is telling me anything!" Tweek begged as he tried frantically to move past a young woman with black hair that was fading slowly to white. She tried moving Tweek back only to feel the boy push past her. "Tweek he isn't awake and he is really hurt and the healers need to work on him!" she begged only to have Tweek pull his arm from her. He felt his way over as he found a small figure as he grabbed their shoulder.

Karen jumped slightly feeling a hand on her shoulder as she looked up at Tweek as she watched Butters, Kyle, Red and Thomas all slump back slightly clearly exhausted. As the healers were moved away from Craig she slowly took Tweek's hand walking him over as she sat down slowly pulling Tweek with him. She took his hands as she lead them over to Craig so Tweek knew here he was. "He hasn't woken up...and...they aren't sure if he will soon," Karen whispered softly to Tweek as tears started to stream down his face, "I am sorry Tweek..."

Tweek shook harder as he moved his hands slowly as he let them tail slowly up Craig's arm then over his chest. He could feel it slowly rising and falling before he moved it up his neck to his cheek. He let his fingers brush over his cheek then slowly touched his hair as his hands started to shake. Everything around him seemed to fade as it felt like him and Craig were the only two there. He leaned down as he wrapped his arms around Craig hugging him tightly before pulling his head into his lap. He felt his heart breaking at that moment and energy just washed over him as if this had happened before.

"Craig....Craig please wake up...I can't lose you again. Not like this..." Tweek begged quietly as his voice didn't seem to be his own anymore. He shut his blind eyes as tears ran down his face landing on Craig's. His sobs became louder as more tears fell clinging to Craig before a voice broke through the trance he seemed to be put in of someone telling another to look. Kenny turned his head as he looked at Tweek then at Craig as he watched silver drops fall from Tweek's eyes and onto Craig's face. With each silver drop that touched his face it seemed shimmer like fresh ice over the lake.

The silver drops rolled down Craig's face to his chest before slowly acting as if they were melting as Craig's chest rose and fell a little faster as if he was being shocked with each melting drop. His hand twitched some as he drew in a harsh breath blinking his dark blue eyes making Tweek jump slightly at the sound. He felt a pair of rough hands touch his face slightly as he started to laugh slightly through his tears. "I knew you were special...but I never thought I would find a real fae," Craig whispered softly as he pulled Tweek down slowly kissing his lips.

((A/N----GAH!!! 2k reads?! -grips chest- Mini heart attack...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your support~))

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