Chapter 22--Banishment or Death

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By the time the sun was just above the cave fully as the pack were talking to Token and Clyde catching up with them.  Craig watched over everyone then his ears twitched slightly as he turned hearing some slow walking feet. He turned slowly as he saw Butters and Karen slowly helped Tweek walk.  "There we go..we are back with the group fella,:" Butters said as Tweek's eyes turned up slowly. His grey eyes were now even darker and cloudy as he turned his head towards Butters talking to him. "Thanks Butters...thanks's just going to be odd learning to live without them," he said with a small laugh.

"It's not a problem! Craig is out here as well! I am sure he would love to see you!" Karen said as she giggled pulling Tweek's hand towards Craig. Tweek stumbled as he then felt hands leave his own then were replaced with much rougher ones. Tweek turned his head down as he ran his fingers over the rough hands before moving his hands up the others arms to his  face. "Hi Craig...sorry I slept longer then I thought," he said with a smile on his pale face. Craig felt his heart sink as he stared into Tweek's clouded eyes as he reached out touching at his cheek a little. He leaned forward placing a soft kiss onto his forehead. "It is alright that you slept as you did. Rest here. I will return soon...I have something that I need to do.." he told him softly.

"What are you needing to do? I-is it bad?" Tweek asked as he grabbed at the hand that was on his cheek. He started to shake some before he felt the hand move from his own then slowly pet at his hair. "Don't worry my moon flower...I will be back safe. I have some old friends to help me out," he told him. He dropped one more kiss onto Tweek's forehead then his cheek before he moved his hands over to Butters. He whispered something to the smaller blonde who nodded a little leading Tweek away. Craig watched Tweek for a long moment before he drew in a long deep breath walking back out of the cave. He looked over at Token and Clyde who had already shifted into a chestnut colored wolf with gleaming brown eyes.

Clyde started to bound around happy then wagged his tail at Craig. "Let's go," he said shifting to his wolf form taking off in a run. Clyde quickly ran after him as Token popped his neck a little before taking off after them at a slower pace then the two wolves.

Once they arrived at Craig's family cave he saw Richard standing there waiting on them. "You brought a wolf and another human?" he asked in a growl as his eyes fell onto Token who rolled his eyes. Craig shifted to his human form as Clyde ran around to the cave to check to see if Laura and her daughter were alright. "Seems they already headed blood or anything. Their things are gone as well so they either headed to other family or left back to your cave not long before we got here," Clyde called out as he shifted back to his human form.

"Good....then we can do this properly. What is your choice Richard...are you going to leave my land or are you going to fight and ultimately die?" Craig said as he moved closer to the man in front of him. Richard slowly moved forward as well as his eyes went from Craig to Clyde before they fell onto Token who stood watching the father and son. "I will never leave the lands that I helped bring to life! You, the false Alpha...along with the wolf and the human will die here. After that I will finish the other human and reclaim the pack! Killing all those who will not bow to me!" Richard screamed out. He turned fast rushing towards Token who stood unfazed.

Craig found himself smirking as Token's dark brown eyes flashed to a bright, blood red as fire shot up in front of him. Richard jolted back screaming out in pain as he shook the fire off the sleeve of his shirt. The fire twisted slowly as it turned to a snake like creature wrapping it self around Token's body as he pet it's head a little. "You forget...they once held a place in my ranks Richard," Craig said as he turned towards Clyde. Clyde drew in a long deep breath as he felt his body shifting once more as his brown hair slowly faded to black. His brown eyes faded to a dark blue in color as he got a little taller as well. A smirk went over his new stoic face as Richard looked from Craig to...Craig? "The false wolf and the pyro....this is a lie! They wer-"

"Killed?" Clyde answered in Craig's monotone voice before his skin slowly turned dark as well as his eyes before he answered in Token's voice, "It's a lot harder to kill creatures like us Elder Tucker. We simply...found another home." He ran his hand through his black hair as it slowly turned back to the shaggy brown as Clyde flashed a pair of fangs at him. Token moved his hands out as the snake slithered fast on the ground creating a circle of fire around Craig and his father. Richard jolted slightly as he looked at the ring of fire then back over at Craig, who's eyes seemed to dance with their own flames inside of them. "Shall we begin?" he asked with a smirk.

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