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Taehyung rushed around the house, trying to make it appear somewhat liveable for their guests

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Taehyung rushed around the house, trying to make it appear somewhat liveable for their guests. Straightening pillows, making the beds, taking the trash out, stuff like that. Luckily for Taehyung and Jungkook, the older had managed to convince the rest of the house's inhabitants to go out and seize the day. Meaning Seokjin and Namjoon went out for a date at a nearby park and Jimin and Yoongi decided to go shopping. Hoseok didn't have anything to do until Taehyung had handed him a video camera and told him to follow Jimin and Yoongi and film anything incriminating about their relationship. Hoseok had eagerly accepted.

Once having finished his part of the cleaning, which wasn't very much, Jungkook skipped happily back to his room where he changed into pastel purple short overalls and a baby blue t-shirt with unicorns spotting it and a pair of kitty cat socks. He then brought out a purple and blue striped bow from his collection and pinned his light brown hair with strawberry streaks back against his head before grinning.

"Daddy?" Jungkook called from the doorway of his room.

"Yeah, Kookie?" Taehyung responded as he shifted a throw blanket on the ottoman.

"When will Jeongie be here?"

"Momo called a little over an hour ago saying that they'd be here in two hours, so that's only about half an hour until they arrive. How about you pick out some toys to play with while Daddy changes clothes?"


Jungkook walked happily back into his room and opened his toy box and pulled out his favorite Barbies: Jiwoo, Jia, Haeun and Sophia, whom his brother had gotten for him while over in America. He pulled out a couch with padding and sat them down on it. He then pulled out his Barbie closet which contained all their clothes along with a few pieces of furniture. About halfway through setting up, Jungkook heard the doorbell ring, followed by Taehyung nearly running out of his room in a red and white striped polo shirt and a pair of tight jeans and plain white socks.

"Kookie, do you want to open the door?" Taehyung shouted as he reached the front entrance.

"No. I'm finishing with the prepirition!" Jungkook shouted back, trying to sound smart but failing at the pronunciation.

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