Annabelle Meets Chucky, The Beginning

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After all the horrible things Annabelle and Chucky have done.  The people decided to create a facility that will hold all supernational or possess objects.

Jackle Anderson just hit the lottery for three million dollars.  He decided to take the payout after taxes.  He figured it was better that way, he would have to deal with the IRS  for another year.  Jackle wanted to invest some of his winnings in something that always fascinated him.  Jackle was a horror freak.  He loves anything that had to do with being scared. 

He bought a very old building, that was on a back street in the middle of the city.  The building was once a paper mill.   Jackle wanted to open up some kind of business.  First, he thought of making a comic book store, then a clothing store, and then a restaurant.  But first, he had to decide which idea he like best.

He decided to invest in something that never crossed his mind.  The decision came about three weeks after his winnings.  Jackle had tickets to enter the Mitty House of Horror, which was a gift from a close friend.    Jackle knew he was going alone.  He really didn't have any friends, just acquaintance.  Things just never work out the way Jackle plan it to be.  

It October 30, mystery night.  The day when the ghoul and ghost play in the night making the world scary and creepy for us to enjoy.  Then throw some eggs at those who pissed you off in the passing year.   

Well, Jackle plans to do just that.   "Well, let me get going.  The sooner I enter that Foney House of Horror, the sooner I'm out of there.  The guys at work must really think I'm afraid of this stuff.  Well, they got the wrong one.  In fact, I kind enjoy horror and mystical, paranormal shit.  It just fascinates me." he said as he got into his car heading downtown.

It was six in the afternoon. Night already arrived.  And the brats of the night were now doing what they do best.   Jackle drove as he glanced said to side, watching the teenagers do they mystery night prank.

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