Annabelle Meets Chucky - Susie Runs

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Chucky had Rick corner once again. "Do what you want, I'm not going to tell anything!" he screamed as he walked back away from the evil doll.

Then Susie opened the door slowly as she peeks out and glances at Rick.  Rick saw her and shook his head no.  Susie shook her head yes.  Then she ran out of the closet.  "Hey ugly if you want me you'll have to catch me first!" she said as she ran by Chucky out the bedroom down the hallway.  "You little bitch, get back here!" yelled Chucky who then forgot about Rick and proceeded to chase Susie.!" yelled Rick who then picked up his bat and proceeded to run after Chucky.   

"Leave me alone!" Susie scared as she ran down the steps towards the kitchen.  She reached in a drawer and withdrew a large kitchen knife.  Chucky entered the kitchen behind her.  "Ha, Ha, Ha, what are you supposed to do with that little girl.  I'm not going to hurt you.  I just need your body for a couple of weeks, until I find a man's body.  Be a nice little girl and let me possess you." said Chucky as he walked towards her still holding his deadly scissors.

Rick was right behind him entering the kitchen within seconds.  "Leave my sister alone!" he screamed as he swung the bat once again.  Chucky quickly moves out of the way.  "Man fuck this shit!  I'm done with all this bull shit.  Little girl you're going to let me do what I want, or I'm going to grab your brother and carve him to death!" yelled Chucky who now as approaching Rick he had his bat up and ready to swing.  Susie screamed every time that Chucky got closer to her or her brother.

"Leave us alone," she screamed waving the knife while having her eyes closed.  She was afraid so afraid she didn't want to see the outcome of whatever was about to happen.   "Susie, go for the back door.  Run and don't look back." said Rick   "No, I'm not leaving you." she replied  "Go, I'll be right behind you, I promise." he replied   "Promise." she replied  "Yes, now go!" he screamed as Chucky went in attack mode running towards him in rage.

Rick lift up the bat to swing when he suddenly heard, "Go, get your sister and get out!" said the entity   Rick glanced around, making sure he kept his eyes on Chucky.  When suddenly Annabelle appeared out of nowhere.  There was a strong wind which entered the room at the same time Annabelle enter.   Rick let up a scream.   "Rick, it's Annabelle.  Run this way.  She won't hurt you she's my friend." yelled Susie   "Are you sure?  She looks scarier than Chucky." replied Rick   "Hurry! Jump over them." said his sister      

Annabelle and Chucky were facing each other ready to attack.   Rick watched their moves and quickly with one leap he jumped right over both of them landing near his sister who was standing near the back door.    "Oh, good, you made it!" said Susie as he quickly grabs her brothers hand leading out the back door.   "Wait what about Annabelle?" he asked   "Don't worry.  She'll be fine, she can take care of herself.  Hurry we must hide." said Susie    

Rick and Susie ran across the street then climb up the first tree they saw.  "We'll be safe here until help arrives." said Rick   "I hope Uncle JJ arrive soon.  I don't want Chucky to hurt Annabelle." said Susie   "What are you saying?  Are you crazy?  Those dolls are both evils.  Annabelle might just want Chucky out of the way that way she can kill us." replied Rick  "No, not Annabelle, she's my friend she won't hurt us.  That's why she's here. She's here to save us." replied Susie  "Sis, this is one time I hope you're right." replied Rick as they both began to stare across the street towards their house.

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