Annabelle Meets Chucky - Final Battle

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Now back in the kitchen  Annabelle and Chucky are standing at a standoff.   Ready to fight and destroy one another.  Out of the blue, a dark shadow appeared causing the drew from the table fly across the room smacking Chucky on the face.  He felled to the floor rudding his head. "What kind of shit is this?  That demon is that playing fair," he muttered when suddenly a chair flew across the air towards Chucky's head, he quickly moves out of the way.

"You bitch!  I killed you! Why can't we just be friends?  Come on girl.  You're evil, I'm evil.  Don't you think we make a wonderful evil team? I promise I won't say you are ugly anymore." said Chucky as he tries to make a deal with Annabelle.

Then suddenly pots and pans began to fly out of the cabinets striking Chucky one after the other.   "Hey, what the fuck bitch!  I give you a chance to work with me and you hit me with pots and pans.  I'm going to shatter that ugly face of yours.  But this time, I'll make sure all your pieces are destroyed!" yelled Chucky as he looked around a spotted a castiron pan.  He quickly gripped it and in a rampage, screaming in such rage as he ran towards Annabelle ready to strike her.

As Chucky got closer Annabelle floated up, then  Chucky slammed into the wall as she moves out of the way.   "Damn I hate you! I hate you! Bitch I hate you!" he screamed as he again went charging towards the evil girl doll.  All the time Annabelle giggle while the strong wind blew within the house.  

Susie and Rick had frozen for a minute as they stood outside the backyard door staring inside at the two evil dolls while they fought each other.   Chucky was pissed off, he slammed a wooden chair on the floor and quickly retrieve a large piece of wood.   "Bitch this time, when you shatter, I'll make sure you stay that way.  Come on baby get closer and let me shatter you in pieces once again.   "You'll die! Not me! I already die." said an evil rasping voice that comes from within the Annabelle doll.   

"Holy shit, the ugly bitch can talk.  So what about it, do you want to be my partner.  Let's not fight anymore.  You and I are the same.  You like to kill, and I love to kill, don't you think we make a perfect match?" asked Chucky as he got closer with the wooden stick in hand ready to strike.

Then Annabelle glanced up, and Chucky followed her eyes, so he also glances up to the ceiling when suddenly the electrical light wires began to come down as dough they were snakes.  "What the fuck are you doing.  Bitch, I'll kill you!" screamed Chucky as he once again charges towards Chucky.    The wires quickly went after Chucky wrapping itself around the evil doll's neck.  "Get off of me bitch!  I'm going to kill you!  When I get free, I'm giving my girl a call, and Telly is coming to kick you fucken ugly ass.  Let me go! Put me down now you ugly looking bitch!" yelled Chucky as he struggles to get free.

Then the laughter got louder when the electrical wires began to pour electrical juice into Chucky's small bloody body.  "Oh, shit!" cried Chucky as he continued to try to free himself.  Then the microwave door slowly opens on its own, and the electrical wires tossed Chucky's beat up body, into the microwave.    Then the microwave door slammed close right behind him.  "No!  You can't do this to me!  I don't want to die and be in limbo until another fool creates me again.  Please listen, I'm sorry.  I'll leave, just let me go!" cried Chucky as he stared through the microwave view window, screaming in rage and anger.

Then  Annabelle got closer to the microwave. She stared for a while at Chucky without a sound.  Then suddenly she took out her middle finger and give Chucky the bird, while with her other hand she turned on the microwave.   Chucky screamed, and screamed, "I'll kill you.  I might die, now, but I'll be back!  You can count on that bitch!"  were the last words that Chucky shouted. as the parts that were still plastic melt, before the microwave exploded.  And Chucky's parts were everywhere.

Annabelle's laughter filled the house and when Rick and Susie saw the outcome.  They both ran across the street and hid again.   "Susie listen to me.  That doll just killed Chucky.  I think now she'll be coming for us.  We must go for help." said Rick who was now concerned.  "Don't be silly.  She might be evil, but for some reason, she likes me.  She won't hurt us, I know it." replied his sister.  "I don't know about that.  So let stay happen until help arrives.  I don't know what's taking JJ and his boss so long.  I spoke to him about two hours ago." explained Rick   "Maybe Chucky got to them before coming to get us." replied Susie   "No, I spoke to him.  I'm sure he's on his way to check up on us.  Just stay quiet, I don't want the other doll to attack us too." said Rick  "I'm telling you.  She likes me, she won't hurt us." Susie repeated.  "Whatever makes you happy, but one thing I do know. If she does attack, I'm ready," said Rick as he picked up a large rock placing right by his side.

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