Annabelle Meets Chucky - Organizing

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The following day all the men returned to work, but one man was missing.  "J.J.  came over here for a second," asked Dice      J.J. walked quickly towards his boss.  "Yes, sir, what's up?" he asked  "Where's Luke?  He's usually the first one here." Dice asked concerned.

"Oh, boss, I meant to tell you, Luke was in a terrible car accident last night.  His wife told me, he passed away the moment he reached the hospital." J.J. explained.   Dice kept quite, then glanced over at the rocking chair.   "J.J. I need you to do something right this minute." he said, "Sure boss, what's up?" J.J. replied.  "You see that chair, take it and nail it up on the wall somewhere, do that before anything else," said Dice then he went into his private office.

"Shit I've lost a good worker and gain a fucked up rocking chair," he said as he closed the door behind him.  While the other men began to show up for work.   Annabelle and Chucky watched them as they walked by every now and then.

"I must reveal myself to someone, it's the only way I'm getting the fuck out of here and into a fucking body!" he yelled.  Jackle has just walked in through the front doors, "Come on men, is all that cursing necessary?  I brought everyone coffee and donuts.  Take a break and come help yourselves." he said   Then he grabbed two donuts a coffee and headed towards the exhibit room.   "Wow my dream is just about to come true," he said as he admired the view.

He then again dusts and organize the selves when he spotted Chucky.  "Oh, shit I bought a Chucky doll.  Get the fuck out of here.  I thought the last one was destroyed years ago.  Shit, this place is going to be a hit." he muttered as he continued working his magic making the museum look marvelous.   

Everyone was working hard even Dice.   They organized the place so perfectly, that it really looked like an old museum.  "Wow, we finally finished," said Dice.   "Wow, you're right.  Look at this place it looks wonderful." said J.J.     "You men did such a great job, that I'm going to let you go home early.  Thanks so much, for making my dreams real.  This place looks wonderful." said Jackle as he admires how beautiful everything looked.

The men didn't wait for Jackle to change his mind and one by one left out taking the rest of the day off.  "So there's nothing else to do.  Everything looks perfect.  You don't need me any longer, do you?" asked Dice as he glanced around.   "Well of course, when we opened up those doors you must greet our new customers." replied Jackle    "No dude I'm talking about now?  And when are we planning to open the doors to this wonderful place?  Boy, I just love horror." he said  "Well, I was thinking to do some advertising for at least a week before we open the door for the first time. For sure a week from today." explained Jackle.   

"Great, I can't wait for that day to arrive.  Now if you don't need me today, I have a booty call to make," said Dice with a grin.   "A booty call in the morning?" replied Jackle  "Dude don't you know they're the best kind? Besides, there's nothing else to do here.  You gave every on the rest of the day off, so don't ask any more question and just wave goodbye as I walked out the door.  Bye, Bye." said Dice     "Dude, you're not serious?  I meant for the workers to go home, not you dumb ass." said Jackle as he continued to dust the place.    "Too late, you didn't specify, so we'll talk later," said Dice while walking out the front door towards his car.  He then quickly turned on the car then took off.

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