Annabelle Meets Chucky - Annabelle Arrives

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"Ring, Ring, Ring,"  "Hello." Rick answered   "Rick, it's me.  Listen to your sister and you an in a bit of trouble.  Now tell me the truth what did you two do with the two evil dolls?" JJ asked   "My sister and I didn't do anything.  Those dolls are alive." yelled Rick   "Please, is that really your excuse?' he uncle replied   "Yes, and it's not an excuse.  I just drop the air conditioner on him.  So if you don't believe me, come see for yourself." yelled Rick   "One thing stop screaming at me.  I wasn't the one that took the dolls." said JJ   "I told Mr. Stupid the Chucky doll is here.  You know, trying to kill me." Rick replied   When suddenly he saw Chucky climbing up the rose bushes towards his bedroom window.   "There you go, kid.  I hope you're ready to die now! Cause fucker, I'm going to burn you, slam something on your head, and don't forget you do owe me an eye!" the doll screamed loud enough that JJ heard every word he said.

"Rick! Rick!" he said but Rick dropped his cell phone and quickly aim the crossbow towards the window.   The arrow went through the glass and hit Chucky on the forehead causing him to drop two stories down to the ground.  "I'm going to kill you fucken asshole!" the doll yelled as he went down.   Rick glanced around for his cell phone.   He found it under the bed.  "Uncle JJ, Uncle JJ." but he had no answer.

Meanwhile, JJ quickly entered Jackle's office, "Boss, we need to go now!" he said  "Go where?  Did you find out where the two dolls are?" he asked   "Yes I did.  One of them is at my house trying to kill my nephew." JJ replied as he grabbed his car keys and headed out the door with his boss running right behind him.   "Wait what are you telling me?" Jackle asked   "What the hell do you think I'm telling you.  Your Chucky doll is at my house right this minute, looking to replace his doll body for a human one. Now grab your gun and let's go." he said   "Sure, just a second." replied his boss who then reached into his drew and withdrew his gun.   The two men jumped into the car and speed down the road towards JJ's sister's house.

Now Susie who was still hiding in the closet, heard all the commotion so she peeks out the closet now and then.  "Where are you Rick." she thought as she closes the closet door and sat back down.  "I'm so afraid, where are you." 

Rick began to block the broken window with a large picture frame and then he pushed the china cabinet to the front of the window.  "There, this should keep the monster out," said Rick   He then ran into his Uncle bedroom and went into his fireworks stash.  He took out four bottle rocks.  He proceeded to tape them together fixing it for them to all light up at the same time.  Then he sat and waited to watch Chucky as he was removing the air conditioner off his toy body.

As he glanced out the window he spotted something coming out of the bushes.  "What in the world is that?" he thought to himself.   He then ran to the closet. "Susie come with me.  I need you to look at something." he said   "Did you get him?" she asked   "No, look out the window what do you see coming from that direction?" said Rick as he pointed towards the bushes.

Susie glanced out the window and quickly recognize what Rick saw.  "Oh, how cool is that.  That's Annabelle," she replied with a happy smile.   "What are you telling me?  Is that the other evil doll?" he replied   "Yes, but listen, Annabelle is nice to me.  She likes me.  I really don't know why, but she does." explained Susie  "Are you stupid or what?  That's another evil doll just like Chucky.  She just here to kill us just like Chucky.  I wish we never went to that damn museum. Now we have two damn dolls to fight and it's only you and I." said Rick as he finally was able to see Annabelle clearly, especially when the doll look up at them and Susie, "Annabelle I'm over here." she yelled   "What are you doing?  Are you crazy?'said Rick as he back his sister away from the window.   Then Annabelle communicates with Susie, "I won't hurt you. I'm here to help."   "You see, I told you.  She just told me that she's here to help." explained his little sister.

"Help my ass.  Get back into the closet.  Don't come out unless I say so." said Rick  "No, you don't understand.  She's here to help us." said Susie trying here best to keep one foot out of the closet.  Rick shoved her into the closet.  Then he pushed the dresser and blocked the door.  "No, don't lock me in here.  I can help.  Annabelle is my friend, she won't hurt us." yelled Susie from the other side of the door.   "I'm sorry but I not too sure of anything right this minute.  Now please keep quiet, I don't want Chucky to find you," said Rick    Susie realized that although Annabelle was her friend, Chucky wasn't and he was dangerous.  "Fine, but you are still wrong about Annabelle," she muttered then sat down and kept quiet and listen.

Rick quickly ran back to the window and noticed that Chucky was no longer under the air conditioner.  "Shit he freed himself.  Where did he go?" he thought as he glanced out to the yard.

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