Annabelle Meets Chucky - Tom Tries

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Tom jump fence after fence finding a dead dog here and there.  When suddenly he saw Chucky climbing the fence that led to JJ's sister home.  He quickly ran up behind the doll and began to shot.  "Pop, Pop," twice he shot Chucky.  The evil doll fell to the ground.  "I got you fucker! I got you!" Tom yelled   He then ran directly towards the doll.    He lends over the doll and with one leg he kicked it.  "Are you dead yet? Or do I need to shot you a couple of more time?" he asked while he continues kicking him.  Chucky didn't move, it was as though he was finally dead.

"Shit yall, now I'm taking you to that fucken police station.  I'll give them something to laugh about.  I'm not crazy, and this bloody doll is my proof." he said as he bent over to picked the doll.  "Sorry, but you're not taking me anywhere," said Chucky who then took out his scissors stabbing Tom on the side of his neck.   "You fucken piece of plastic, you stabbed me." he said as he fell next to Chucky holding his neck, trying to stop the bleeding.'    "Ya asshole, I stabbed you and I do believe you'll soon be dead. You should have left well enough alone," said Chucky as he walked over towards Tom and stabbed him in the stomach rapidly while giggling in excitement.

Meanwhile, Susie heard the shots as well as Rick.  Susie ran out of her run and into her brother's bedroom.  "Rick, did you hear that?  It sounds like it came from the backyard." said Susie   "I heard it too. Listen we need to talk.  Remember when you said that Annabelle spoke to you?" he asked  "Yes, I do remember that. Why do you ask?" she replied  

"Now I need you to tell me the truth.  Did she really speak to you?  Or did you make it up, you know playing make-belief." asked Rick with a serious adult look.   "Well since you want the truth, she really spoke to me and I'm not crazy.  She really spoke to me and if you tell anyone that I told you this, I'll call you a liar." his sister explained.   "Don't worry, I believe you," he replied   Susie noticed the worried look on her big brother's face.   "Rick, you look frightened.  Did Chucky speak to you?" she asked concern.  Rick glanced at her.   "Oh my goodness he did talk to you.  What did he say?" asked Susie    "What he said to me doesn't matter.  Listen, here take this mast  This is the safety.  Move it up, and it'll free the pump.  If any danger approaches you to make sure you use this.  I need you to stay here." said Rick as he opened the closet door.

"You want me to hide in the closet.  Rick, what did Chucky tell you?   Now you have me worry." said his sister.  "Listen, he said he's coming for me.  I set up a couple of traps around the house.  But there's one more that I need to do.  Susie, I'm older then you so it's my job to protect you.  Please just stay under those clothes.  When I leave do make sure you lock the door behind me.  Stay as quiet as possible." her brother explains "He's coming to hurt us.  I knew Annabelle was telling me the truth." replied Susie   "I'm going now.  Please be very silent." said Rick as he gave his sister a hug for good luck.   Rick quickly ran back downstairs.  He went into the kitchen and picking up the dishwashing liquid.  He opened the front door first and pour slippery liquid onto the sidewalk.  Then he headed to the back door and did the same.

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