Annabelle Meets Chucky - Evil Dolls

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Jackle's car was parked in front of his home.  The moment he went inside.  Chucky appeared from under the car.  "Now, I should have jumped out when we were close to that noisy kid's house.  Now I must kill for a ride.  My body is turning human again, I don't have much time.  I won't get trap in this body.  I don't want to stay any longer in that museum, that ugly bitch was creeping me out.  Go figures, I thought nothing frighten me.  Well, the little green trickster did drive me crazy a little.   But that's the pass and this is now and I'm going to kick ass this time is my time." said Chucky as he walked the streets looking for a ride.

Chucky noticed a car pulling up towards the sidewalk.   Jim had no idea what was about to happen to him.  When the stranger stepped out his car, Chucky was waiting outside.  He grabbed him by one leg causing him to fall to the ground.   He hit his head on the concert which knocks him out cold.  "Oh, hell.  Now I must wake him.  I can't drive!" said the doll as he began to drag Jim's body back into the driving set.  Then he looked around and spotted a tiny baseball bat.  The kind they give you as a gift at a ball game.  "Wow, perfect.  This bat has my name on it," said Chucky.   Then he found some rope, he proceeded to tie the unconscious man to the front set of his car before he came through.

Within minutes Jim began to wake up.  He glanced around as he noticed that he was tied to his car seat.  "What the hell is going on?  This must be a dream. I do remember.." said Jim as he tried to get up.  "Hey buddy, you finally woke up and it's about fucken time.  No, I need you to listen.  My name is Charles Lee Ray.  I need to get to Madison Ave asap.  Now we can do this the nice way. Or I can stab you in the neck a couple of times to convenience you.  So what will it be?" said Chucky as he jumped over tot he passenger seat   Jim didn't believe what he was seeing.  "What the fuck are you?" he muttered a bit scared  

"What the fuck do I look like to you?" replied Chucky  "You look like a good time doll." the stranger replied   "Bingo, you got it right.  So now that I see you not that dumb.  Turn on the car and take me where I need to go." said Chucky as he walked closer to him smacking the small bat against the palm of its hand.   "Oh, shit I heard about you.  But I thought it was just a made up story." said Jim   "What?  Made up?  Do I look like I was made up!  I'm fucking real!  You see me, I'm real.  You see this fucken bat, it also real and do you feel this, if you don't start driving, you will feel it many more times.  Now get to driving, now!" said the doll as he hit Jim over the head with the small wooden bat.   

"Hey, shit that hurt.  Look, you don't need to hit me.  I'm turning on the car now and look we're moving." said Jim as he proceeded to drive.   Chucky hit him over the head again, "Do I look like an imbecile to you. Get some with me again and this bat will go down your throat." yelled Chucky as he sat back down.  Jim didn't say another word.  He started the car and they went on their way.   "So, doll did you say three blocks up?" asked Jim.   The doll slowly got back up and slammed the bat on his head once again.  "Fuck man, what the hell was that for?  I'm doing what you ask." yelled Jim  "Call me a doll again and I'm going to rip your tongue out.  Now shut up and drive." said Chucky  Jim rolled his eyes and continued to drive this time quietly.  He needed to figure out how to get away from this creepy doll.

Meanwhile, Rick sat up in bed and took out a comic book.  Every time he closed his eyes he could see Chucky. He figures he'll read until he fell asleep. It took him over an hour to finally fall out cold.  With a nightmare on the way.  Rick dream about the boy store, when Charles Lee Ray kill then entered the doll.  He tosses and he turned most of the night.  But when Chucky jump on his chest trying to struggle him, the boy woke up in a deep sweat.  It was four in the morning when he woke.  "Shit is not even daylighted yet," he muttered picking up his comic book and once again began to read, as he glanced around making sure there was no doll in sight.

Meanwhile, Annabelle was roaming around the museum.  When she stepped out of her case, Chucky was standing in his spot quietly.  Annabelle figure he was too quiet.  He must be up to no good.  But she wanted to control the museum atmosphere, exhibits and she also needs to find a way out of the building.  She decided that it's time to tease Chucky for a while.   She went towards her case to step back inside before morning.  When she glanced towards Chucky, her eyes turn pitch red with a bright glow.  

"Where did that dickless doll go?" Annabelle thought to herself as she examined Chucky's case trying to figure out how he got out.  Then she remembers, "The stupid boy let the crazy doll lose.  I don't really care if Chucky kills them, but Susie made me pretty for a few minutes.  She didn't care what I looked like.  She showed me love anyway.  So I must help her.  I won't let that dickless doll kill her if anything that's my job. Now I must find a way out of here." Annabelle thought when she noticed a window with a small opening and out the building she went.

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