Annabelle Meets Chucky - The Plan

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Meanwhile, Rick was still fighting the evil doll.  After hitting him with the chair Rick ran towards the door.  Chucky quickly ran after him grabbing him by one leg.  Rick landed on the floor face first.  "Oh, hell that hurt.  I must get help." he thought when suddenly the evil doll started to crawl up his right leg.   "Really, where do you think you are going?  Boy, do you really think you can get away from me?  I'm Charles Lee Ray, no one gets away from me.  Do you understand?  Now, stop crying like a little bitch.  I have plans for you." Chucky said as he crawls right up to Rick's chest using the scissors as a threat.  Holding over his neck.   

"Please don't hurt me." replied the frightened kid.    "Hurt you? Well, I don't think of doing a thing like that.  Not now anyway.  You see I need you.  You are taking me home with you today.  You see your stupid looking little brat of a sister, saw me moving my head early.  I don't choose to stay in her body for long.  You see that's where you come in.  I'll leave her body, then enter yours.  Then hopefully I find a real man body to process but for now boy.  I'll play doll with you.  After they put me back in the case.  You're going to take me back out when they aren't looking of course." explained Chucky   

"What if I don't do as you say?" asked Rick as he looks around hoping someone comes to his rescue.   "Well you pussy ass kid, if you don't do as I say, I'll kill you and your family.  Listen, boy, there's nothing you can do about what's about to happen.  So if you love your family you do as I say." said Chucky still pointing the scissors at  Rick's neck.

Then suddenly, "Hey, are you alright?" asked Jackle when he noticed that the doll was sitting on Rick's stomach.   "Oh, sure, I'm fine.  I was just playing with the doll." replied the kid.   "Are you sure?  You look a bit shaken." replied Jackle    "No, man I'm good.  You did scare me a little when you walked in." the kid replied   "Well I'm glad to see you're alright.   Now grab Chucky and let's go, it's time to close up the place." Jackle said as he turned to walk away.

Rick slowly got up, "Watch it with those scissors they're sharp." he whispered to the doll.  "Shut up, you're going to blow my cover," whispered Chucky as he poked him with the scissors.  "Fine, fine," said Rick as he slowly stood up holding the doll upright facing him.  "Now remember the plan and don't even think about leaving me behind.  I'll find you, boy there no getting away from me." whispered the evil doll

"Excuse me did you say something?" asked Jackle as he glances back towards Rick.   "No sir, I was just thinking out loud." replied Rick   "Well, hand him over," said Jackle as he reaches out for the doll.

Chucky had already hidden the scissors in his trousers.  Rick handed the doll to his fathers boss.  When Jackle went to place it back into his case, "Hi, I'm Chucky do you what to play?" said the doll.   "Hell no, I don't want you to play.  Creep I know what kind of games you play.  Back in the case you go." Jackle replied    Chucky didn't move nor said another word, but his eyes were locked on Rick, making sure that he scared him enough the doll just kept staring in his direction.

"Uncle JJ, I'm ready to go home now." said Rick  "Here you and your sister wait in the car, while my boss and I turn off all the lights," said JJ as he handed Rick the car keys.    "Come, Susie, let's get out of this creepy place," said Rick as he grabbed her hand and headed out the door.  "Evil doll like I'm really going back for you.  I'm never coming back to this place again," he said not noticing that he said it out loud.   

"Coming back for Chucky?  Rick what are you talking about?" asked Susie as they stepped into the car.   "Don't listen to me I'm just playing a private game." he replied  "With Chucky?" asked his sister.  "No, listen to me.  If Uncle JJ invites over here again.  Tell him that you don't like coming here." explained JJ  "Why will I tell him that?  I like coming here.  Besides Annabelle's my friend." she replied    "Are you crazy!  That doll is evil just like Chucky." said Rick   

"I thought you said, that it was up made believe.  That they're just stupid dolls," replied  Susie.   "Stupid dolls that kill." he thought then said "Never mind, you won't understand me anyway," said Rick as he sat back with a worry expression.   Susie notices the difference, "Is there something wrong Rick?' she asked    "No, leave me alone.  I no longer feel like talking." he replied as he stared out the car window waiting for his uncle to come out of the building.  "Well, fine.  But I know somethings wrong with you.  You don't seem yourself." she replied   "As I say, just leave me be." her brother replied turning his back to her.   "Excuse me, I was just trying to help," she muttered then sat back and kept quiet.

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