Annabelle Meets Chucky - Find The Boy

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Rick finally fell asleep.  The house was silent as everyone sleeps.   But Annabelle hasn't gotten any rest yet.  The window that she spotted opened was too high for her reach.  So she began to make a ladder with different items that she sounds around the museum.  Chair and boxes building ladder right to the window.  When she noticed that the sun was rising and she was surely running out of time.  "If that wanna be Santero lays one hand on Susie I will disassemble his plastic ass." she thought as she continues work on her escape.

Meanwhile, Chucky who has written down JJ's address from the employee's book was getting a bit anxious.  "Hey, what's taking you so long.  Hit the gas and speed it up now," he yelled as he placed the scissors on the man neck.  "I'm going as fast as this car will take us." he muttered  "Well drive faster!' yelled Chucky    Jim wasn't really listening to the evil doll.  He needed to plan, a plan to escape alive.  He speeded up the car, faster and faster he went, then he quickly did a right turn and slammed his car into a mailbox causing Chucky to fly out the front windshield.  The doll flew out the car hitting the ground with full force.   "Mother fucker!  I'm going to kill you for this!" he screamed as he got off the ground and ran back towards the crash car.   "This asshole made me bleed.  Now it's my turn to make him bleed," he muttered as he approaches the car realizing that the stranger was dead.  "Oh hell no!  You can't die without me killing you first!" he screamed when he began to stab the man with the scissors.  "No one dies on me.  I make you die! Do you understand?" he muttered as he stabs the man rapidly.  Jim had no responsibility for he was long gone.

Chucky hopped off the car.  "There that's taken care of.  Now to find this kid," he muttered as he took out the address out of his overall.    "Well according to this, I have three more blocks to walk," he muttered then he began to walk in that direction.

Chucky finally reached JJ's sister home.  "Finally, I'm here.  I'm going to take over the girl and of course the boy he'll be my servant." he thought as he glanced at the house while still standing in the middle of the street.  When the doll was about to step onto the sidewalk.  He heard something approaching him from behind.  Not thinking he quickly dropped to the ground and act like a lifeless doll.    The car that was driving down the road spotted something in the middle of the street.

"Hey, Tom watch it!  There's something in the middle of the road," said John one of the passengers.   Tom quickly stopped the car.  "Go get it out of the road.  I don't need a flat so early in the morning." Tom replied.     John stepped out of the car and walked towards the front of the car.  "Ha, Ha, Ha, Check this shit out.  Someone dropped their Goodtime doll," he said as he picked up the doll and headed back inside the car.   "Why the hell are you bring in here for.  Throw that shit out the window." said Tom   "Dude it's only a doll.  Besides I'm sure my cousin will enjoy playing with it." John explained  Then he threw the doll towards the back seat.   "Dude, get that thing out of my car." said Tom   "Dude, it's only a doll. Stop having a cow." his friend replied. "Don't you know anything about this stupid doll?  There was one that enjoyed killing people." said Tom   "Sure I heard all about it.  But they killed that doll a long time ago.  So stop being a chicken and drive." said John    Tom continued to drive as he shook his head.  "I don't know about this.  That doll looks like it's covered with blood." said Tom  "That's not blood, it's properly ketchup, kids like to make pretend." his friend replied    "Dude I hope you're right." said Tom as they went on their way to work.

Chucky sat there without moving.  "What the hell kind of shit is this.  This asshole is driving me away from the house.  Oh, hell no." said Chucky who then...

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