Annabelle Meets Chucky - Susie's Lie

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Jackle walked back into the lunch room.  "Excuse me JJ, can we talk in the hallway for a minute?" he said  "Sure Boss. What's up?" JJ replied  "Take a walk with me." suggested Jackle as they both walk towards the doll exhibits.  "Now, take a look at Annabelle first, then take a close look at Chucky.  Can you tell me what's wrong with these two dolls?" asked Jackel   JJ glanced up at the two dolls.  He already knew about Annabelle's makeover, but when he saw Chucky arm and leg wrapped in the tape he was surprised.  

"Oh, boss man I'm so sorry.  I have an idea who's behind this.  I'll take care of it.  And when I'm done I'll make sure both dolls are back to normal. Again I'm sorry about that." he replied   "Well these dolls aren't toys.  Messing around the exhibits isn't acceptable.  I'll forgive them this time.  Besides, it was my idea you bring them along.  I'm going to work for one more hour, then we can close up and head home." said the boss  "Sure, sir and again sorry about that." JJ replied as he headed back to the lunchroom and Jackle back to his office.

"Alright young lady, you and I need to talk," said JJ the moment he walked into the lunchroom.  "What did she do now?" asked Rick   "Mind your business." said Susie  "Too bad girl you are my business." her brother replied  "Rick, shut your trap and like she said mind your business. Come here and sit right next to me Susie." said JJ in an angry tone.

Susie sat next to him.  "First you took out Annabelle and give her what you call a makeover.  Then you take out Chucky and tie his arm and leg together.  One question I have for you.  Do you want to get me fired?" said JJ  "What? I never touch Chucky and as I said before, Annabelle was sitting on the hallway floor.  I didn't take her out of her case.  Besides I'm not the only one here. Maybe Rick ties Chucky up with tape." explained the little girl   "Don't ever go there.  You can't blame me!  I haven't left this room since we got here." said Rick

"Fine since no one did anything, you two are going to fix the mess.  So put your things down and follow me and I mean now!" said JJ who was still quite upset. "Fine, but all I did was put makeup on the stupid doll. Uncle JJ, I beginning not to like you babysitting me.  You don't believe a thing I say, and that is so wrong." said little Susie as she follows her uncle down the hallway towards the dolls exhibit.  "Well young lady, too bad, if you do something bad you shouldn't lie about it.  Say the truth then maybe I'll believe." replied her uncle.   

"I did say the truth." the little girl replied.  "Susie, shut your little mouth.  I don't want to hear another word," replied JJ as he removed the two dolls out of the case.  "Here, Rick removed all that tape from Chucky then place him back into the box as he once was.  And you here, remove all that makeup from Annabelle's face.  I'll be back in five minutes and both of those dolls better look the way they once were, and back on the shelf where they belong." explained JJ as he walked away leaving the two kids sitting on the hallway floor cleaning up the two evil dolls.

"Yes, Uncle JJ.  I'll make sure they look and go back where they belong," replied Rick.  Susie didn't say another word to her uncle. She was upset.  He didn't believe and that to her was so wrong.  "You see what you've done.  Now when we get home he's not going to let up stay up late. You need to learn how to stop touching things." said Rick as he began to cut the tape off of Chucky.  "Shut up.  You don't know anything.  I saw that stupid doll move," replied Susie as she wiped the makeup off Annabelle's face with a washrag.

"Ya right, just clean the doll.  I am telling mom about this." said Rick "Go ahead, mom will believe.  She loves me." replied Susie when she notices Annabelle wicked at her.  She giggles and smile.  "What's so funny?" asked Rick  "None of your business. Don't talk to me if you don't believe me." said Susie  "Fine no problem." said Rick who finally moved all the tape off of Chucky.

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