Annabelle Meets Chucky - Chucky's Hurt

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Rick ran back to the bedroom where his sister was hiding in the closet.  "Susie are you all right?" he asked through the door.   "I'm fine Rick. Is it safe?  Can I come out now?" she replied  "Not yet, is not safe.  Don't come out until I come back to get you. Understand me?" her brother replied.  "Alright, but please hurry.  I'm afraid being in here alone." she replied  "Don't worry, I won't let anyone or anything hurt you.  I'll be back for you." said Rick  "I'll be waiting, brother." said Susie as she sat back in the corner of the closet.

Then Rick heard a loud scream. "You bitch!" so he quickly ran back to the window.  He saw Annabelle toss Chucky across the yard slamming him face first onto a large tree.  Chucky's nose smashed against the tree as the blood gushed out his nose.  "This shit going to stop here.  Come out, you psycho bitch!  Come out and fight light a man!" screamed Chucky as he stood up holding his nose until the bleeding stopped.     He glanced around screaming while looking for Annabelle.  But all he can hear was her laughter.   

"I must get this bitch out of my way.  My body is almost completely human.  If I don't get out of this body soon, I'll be a freak for the rest of my life.  I got it." Chucky muttered to himself.  Then he went into the sheld.  He walked out with a large shovel made of steel.   "Hey Annabelle sweet, come out and play with me," he shouted out loud.

Then suddenly like a flash Annabelle shifted by Chucky punishing him on the back of his head.  Chucky's head jerked as he quickly lifts up the shovel and swung, missing her completely.  "You demon doll, slow down a little and let me smash your head with this nice looking shovel!" the evil doll scream lifting the shovel ready to swing.

Then Annabelle's laughter echoes the yard bouncing off the fences. "Shit! My nose again. Come get me, bitch, I'm ready for you now!" said Chucky looking around in a panic.  Then suddenly Rick who was watching everything heard a voice whisper, "Get out now! Run!"  "Who said that?" he said glancing around as his heart beat out of place.

Then the voice whispered again, "Get Susie and get out!" "Who's saying that? Stop it! You're making scare." said Rick as he backed away from the window.

Meanwhile, Chucky waited for Annabelle's next move.  Ready to attack.  When suddenly an evil loud noise came from up in the tree.  Chucky followed the sound and as Annabelle flew down the tree to attack him.  Chucky swung the shovel slamming it right across of Annabelle's face.  The doll face shattered in many pieces.  "Fucky ya!  I told you I was going to get your ass.  Thanks to this wonderful shovel.  I kind of forgot, you can't be stabbed, you had to be smashed. Ha Ha, how you like me now.  I'm the master with power.  Dumb bitch." said Chucky as he walked up to Annabelle's body and kick it while he spoke.

A loud animal beasty roar echoed the air as Annabelle's pieces landed on the ground.  "Now for that damn boy.  Hey, boy I coming for you. And your bitch of a friend can't help you any longer!" he yelled    He then quickly jumped through the laundry room window entering the house.  "This kid has burned me, look one of my arms.  I really going to do a number on him," said Chucky as he went up the steps towards the bedroom.

Rick noticed the screams and yells had stopped.  He quickly ran towards the window.  He saw something on the ground, but Chucky was gone.  "Oh, no!  He must be coming for me," said Rick who quickly picked up his baseball bat and hid behind the bedroom door.

Now Jackle and JJ  got stuck in traffic about four blocks away from the house.  "Dude we're wasting time.  These damn cars need to get moving." said JJ  'I think there was an accident up the road.  I'm sure we'll be moving soon." replied Jackle  "I'll give up five more minutes, then I'm running the rest of the way." replied JJ   "You'll be running. I'm not going anywhere.  I'm not leaving my car in the middle of the road." replied his boss  

"I didn't ask you to.  Just if I do run the rest of the way, make sure you get to my house asap." said JJ     "Well, no need for that, the traffic is moving now." said Jackle as he proceeded to drive.   "Thank goodness.  I hope the kids are alright." said JJ  "You and I both.  Those dolls are my responsibility.  I can get in big trouble for this." said Jackle  "True.  I'll be the first to come after you." he replied as he stared him down.  "Fine, now look away I got your message.' replied his boss    JJ looked away.  The rest of the ride was very silent.

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