Annabelle Meets Chucky - He's Free

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Chucky continued to struggle, wiggling his hands and feet trying to get them to untie.  "I don't think this is fair at all.  They didn't tie that ugly thing up.  They just placed her in her case nice and neat, but me.  They tie me up like an animal. When I get out of this body, I'm going to hunt down the asshole that ties me up. Mark my words man I will find you." he muttered as the time passed and daylight arrived.

Then suddenly Chucky got a bit happy, "Shit ya, I have one leg free.  I'm sure if I keep moving I'll get completely free. and the first thing I'm going to do is to grab that ugly bitch by the hair, then slam her and slam her until she's dead and gone." Chucky said when he heard some footsteps coming in his direction.  He quickly stood still.

"Oh, shit is only you.  Come on girl be nice and let me out of here," he said to Annabelle who was now climbing back into her case.   Annabelle got back into her usual position, turn her head slowly and again give Chucky the bird along with a giggle.  Then they both heard the front lock opening.  "Shit, the nerd arrive," Chucky whispered then he quickly froze in place and so did Annabelle.

"Good morning exhibits.  I hope all you creeps had a good night, cause I sure did. Good morning Chucky, good morning Annabelle." Jackle said with a smile as he walked by their exhibit.  "What's so good about it, asshole," whispered Chucky    Jackle stop and looked back.  "I think this place is making hear things.  Anyway, workers should be here soon.  So I won't be alone for long." he said then to proceeded to his office.

As he sat down, he thought to himself, "I know I'm alone here, but why do I feel I'm being watched.  Where are my workers?  Some partner I have he comes in whenever he, please.  Let me give him a call to see what's keeping him from coming to work this time."    Then he picked up his cell, "Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, .."   "Dude pick up the damn phone." he said

After fifteen rings, "Hello, Dude you better have a good reason for waking me up so early." said Dice   "You know I do, aren't you coming to work today?" asked Jackle   "Are you crazy or stupid?  It's Saturday.  I don't work on Saturdays." Dice explained    "It's Saturday really?  I must have lost track of the days.  Look do you know if any of the workers coming into work today?' he asked   "They're off.  But if you call J.J. he might come to work.  The kid likes to work too much I think but to each his own." said Dice   "Fine then, I'll see you on Monday." replied Jackle  "Later man." replied Dice as he hung up the line.

"Shit, next partner I get, I must get to know him first before getting involved.  Let me see if JJ is willing to work today," said Jackle as he began to dial JJ's number.   "Ring, Ring, Ring,"   "Good morning boss.  What's up." replied JJ     "Hey, I know it's Saturday and all but I need someone to keep me company while I finish up my paperwork.  It's it possible you can come in today?" he asked   "Oh, man boss I have to babysit my niece and nephew today.  My sister has already gone to work." he replied    "Look bring them with you.  I'll pay for lunch." replied Jackle   

"Really boss?  Something tells me you are afraid of your own shadow." replied JJ with a laugh   "No I'm not afraid of my own shadow, but being in a building filled with evil items, is making me quite a bit nerves.  I do need someone to watch my back.  So are you coming in or not?" replied Jackle   "Sure boss, let me get the kids ready.  We'll be there in half an hour." replied JJ   "Good.  Thanks, I make sure you and the kids have a good lunch today.  I'll see you when you get here.  Later, and thanks again." said Jackle    "No problem boss.  Later man." said JJ as he hung up the line.

JJ quickly get his niece and nephew ready and heading straight to work.  Meanwhile, Jackle decides to stay in his office until JJ arrived working on his grand opening.

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