Annabelle Meets Chucky - She On Her Way

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JJ finally got his food and he proceeded back across the street to the museum.   "Now to look for those damn dolls.  I hope Rick and Susie don't have anything to do with their disappearance.  I really don't have any money to pay for those ugly things." he thought as he enters through the door.   "Finally, I'm starving," said Jackle taking the bag from JJ's hands.   "Look, I'm going to enjoy my breakfast.  Here's your bag.  When you're done eating, go look for the dolls.  When you find them do let me know." said Jackle, "I thought we were both going to look for the dolls?" he asked   "No way, I told you, those dolls creep me out.  You go find them and placed them back into their case." he replied as he closes the door behind him.

JJ grabbed his food and headed towards the lunch room to eat.  "Some boss.  I just don't understand why would you invest in a horror museum and be a chicken about the exhibit. I don't get it at all." he muttered as he began to eat.  Once he was done, he started to search for the two evil dolls.

Meanwhile, Annabelle crosses the mine highway. Causing a couple of cars to crash for they were surprised by what they saw.  But the cars crashing didn't bother Annabelle at all.  She continued on her way as dough nothing happens.  She ran with such speed it was a bit hard to really see what she looked like.  She dodges the oncoming cars as she across.   She reached a corner where there were two folks waiting for the public bus.    She notices that the lady had a large handbag, so she slowly got inside of the handbag.     She kept quiet and didn't move at all.

Then the bus finally reached the stop.  The lady with the hand entered the bus.  As she picked up her handbag she noticed that it was heavy than before.   When he finally was inside the bus, she walked to the back to find an empty seat.  The moment she sat down.  "Why is this bag so heavy," she muttered and when she glanced inside her bag.  

"What the hell is this ugly thing?  How did it get inside my handbag," she muttered as she looked around the bus to see if anyone was acting weird or laughing.  No one really was paying her any mind, so she slowly took Annabelle out her handbag and sat her down on one of the bus seats.   "Such an ugly doll.  I know whoever put her in my bag, had a good laugh on me." the lady muttered as she pulls the rope to inform the driver to stop.  She then got off the bus and left the evil doll sitting there.

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