Annabelle Meets Chucky - Lunch Time

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JJ opened the door to the lunch room.  "Hey kids, I'm glad to see you two are still behaving.  Are you hungry?" he asked    "Of course we're hungry.  What's for lunch?" asked Rick   "Well my boss said yall get to decide what we eat.  So what will it be?' JJ replied.    "Pizza! That's what I want." replied Susie  "Well I want some pizza too, with pepperoni." replied Rick   "Fine.  When the pizza gets here, my boss and I will join you and we can all eat lunch here, together.  I'll be right back." JJ said as he exited the lunchroom.

He knocks on his boss office door.  "Dude, the door is open." said Jackle  "Well, the kids decided on pizza, pepperoni." said JJ   "That sounds good.  Let me get to ordering that right now. Finish the hallway and go clean yourself up for lunch." said Jackle   "Will do, I'll be right back. " he replied.    JJ quickly finished up his mopping, washed his hands and sat by the entrance waiting for the pizza man to knock. 

The pizza finally arrived and the four sat in the lunchroom enjoying a fresh hot pizza.   

Meanwhile, Annabelle kept a close eye on Chucky.  She didn't like the little girl, but she wasn't about to let Chucky take over her body.   She glanced around and slowly quietly stepped out of her case then quickly ran down the hallway towards the lunch room.  

She pecked through the keyhole and noticed everyone where sitting down enjoying their pizza.   Annabelle ran towards Jackel's office    She opened up a drew and took out some black mending tape.  Then she ran through the hallway back towards her case.

"She's such a show-off.  Don't worry ugly duckling of a doll, I will free soon.  One leg and one arm to go and I'm free.  Then you ass is grass!  Cause I'm going to tire you apart.  Do you hear me?" he screamed      Then when Annabelle stopped in front of his Case, Chucky changed his tone. "Alright, girl you decided to help me after all.  Come on, come to untie me," he muttered with a burst of happy laughter.   Annabelle didn't say a word.  She slowly opened his door to his case.   She quickly gripped Chucky free hand.   "What the hell are you doing," yelled Chucky as he pushed her in her face pushing her back a little.   Annabelle brushed it off and headed towards him again.     Chucky took out his foot and kick her so hard she flew across the room landing on the floor.   "Bitch bring it on!  Not bad for a man with one hand and one leg," he said laughing and trying to get his other arm free.

Annabelle reaches over the desk and grabbed a pen.   She still had her tap under her arm.  She climbs back up.   "Where did that bitch go.  Bring it on!  I ready for you." yelled the boy doll as he balls up his fist.

Then suddenly out nowhere Annabelle appeared in front of his case again.  With a loud giggle, she opened the door.   Chucky quickly swung towards her face, when Annabelle began to rap the tape around his wrist and then around his leg.  She kind of half hog tied him.  "What the hell!  Get off of me!" he screamed.

Meanwhile, Jackle heard what Chucky scream.   "Hey did you hear that?" he asked   "Hear what?' asked JJ   Jackle kept quiet for a second.  "Never mind.  I'm done eating.  I'm heading back to my office." said Jackle a bit confusing.   "I know I heard someone say get off of me.  Maybe I working too much. It's making hear things." he muttered as he walked down the hallway.    As he passed by the Chucky doll he noticed something different.   

The doll had one let and one arm taped together, yet he was still in the same position.   "What the hell is that?  It looks like someone been missing with the exhibits.  I must have a talk with JJ." he muttered  As he turns back towards the lunch room, "Now, what the hell is this.  Annabelle is wearing makeup.  This has to be JJ's niece doing. This is not acceptable." he said as he went back to the lunch room to complain.  Meanwhile, Annabelle and Chucky didn't move nor say one word.  Although Chucky was about to explode, he tried to keep his cool.

As Jackle disappear down the hallway, Annabelle turned her head towards Chucky and gave him an evil smile along with a creepy giggle.   "Laugh now, believe me, I will make you pay for this." the boy doll though as he stood there trying to figure out how to remove the tape.  He quickly started to bite the tape off his had, while Annabelle glanced and giggle.

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