Annabelle Meets Chucky - Chucky Arrives

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That morning when JJ left the house, he didn't really imagine what was going on.  But he was pissed off.  He thought if the kids took the doll and the two will be in big trouble.

Now, Tom, he drove down the street looking on the sidewalks as he drove.  "This is bull shit.  Where did that little devil go," he muttered   He reached a red light so he stopped. He happens to glance at one of the house backyard faces.  "Wait, I saw something." he thought when suddenly a couple of dogs began to bark.  Then suddenly stop.  "That piece of shit.  He's travel from yard to yard until he reached its destiny.   "Well, I sure have a surprise for him.  He hurt my friend and he's not about to get away with the shit.  Chucky, Chucky whatever your dame name is, I'm coming to get you." he said     Tom then reached into the glove-compartment taking out a gun.  Then he reached under the car seat and took out a metal pole.   He parted his car then went towards the first yard he saw on that side of the street.  He walked slowly and quietly. Glanced at every corner he turned.

Two backyards away, "Shit, if I crash into any more dogs, I'm going to get very upset. Stupid mutt, he bites part of my leg off.  I must stop the bleeding." said the possess doll as he looks around for anything he could use to tie up his leg.  He saw some clothes on the clothesline.  He helped himself to a white T-shirt.  Wrap his leg and quickly jumped over the next fence.

Meanwhile, Tom wasn't far behind him.   He walked afraid and a bit panicked, but he knew what he had to do.  He made sure he walked making little noise when suddenly he fell to the ground making the gun go off.  The shot was heard by many and the police were called to its location. "Holy shit what the hell," said Tom when he looks down he saw a pit bull dog just laying dead.   "Shit finding him is going to be easier then I thought," he stated then he got off the ground and continued on his way.    

Tom walk and when it came to climbing over the fence he took his time.  He knew that the whole neighborhood heard the gun go off.  So all he had now was time.  He was sure that Chucky heard the shot and will show up sooner than later.   

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