Annabelle Meets Chucky - The Delivery

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For a business deal that came right out of the blue, it turned out to be a good investment after all.  This made Dice excited and thriller waiting to see what Jackle really had in mind.

Meanwhile, all the exhibits were placed in trucks and sent on its way.  "Luke, we made a stop at the next intersection.  I want something to eat, and really need to use the restroom." J.J. said  "Fine, but in, and out and then back on the road.  These things on this truck are kind of giving me the creeps." said Luke as he pulled out on the next exit.  "That won't be a problem.  I want to get all this shit off the truck too.  You aren't the only one that is creeped out." he replied.

The two-man park the truck and all the other trucks followed.  They all made a piss stop at the same time.   As Luke walked away from the truck, he heard a loud thump.  "What the hell was that!" he said opening his eyes so wide, you knew he was afraid.  "Dude, chill.  One of the boxes probably rolled on the floor.  That's all that is. Let's go get some coffee." said J. J. as they both ignored the sound then continued on there way.

While in the back of the truck, "I don't understand how this keeps happening.  I can never get a real body. Some ass hole, keeps putting me inside this plastic piece of shit." said Chucky as he glanced around the back of the truck.   "Shit it looks like I'm not the only freak.  Look at that doll, yuk and I thought this body was ugly.  That bitch is the mother of ugly.   Hi you!" he yelled as he looked down then read the dolls name.    "Annabelle! Oh, so your name is Annabelle? Hey!  Bitch if you are, really possess, speak the fuck up now!" Chucky screamed  But sweet old Annabelle kept silence.  Didn't say or do anything, although she never needs to talk to do harm.

"Hey! I know how to get you angry.  You look fucken angry already.  Ugly bitch speck already!" yelled Chucky across the room.  The other entity and possess objects also heard, but the Chucky, the doll didn't get back on replies.   

The truck drivers all headed back to their truck.  As  Luke passed by the back of the truck, he heard someone say the word Bitch.   He quickly glanced at J.J.   "Really that's all you got?  I know I'm afraid of all this paranormal shit, but really there's no need to call me a bitch." said Luke as he stepped into his truck then started the engine.   "What?  What the hell you talking about, I didn't call you a bitch," explained J.J. who was now very confused.   "Whatever man.  Set back, it's going to be a rough ride," he said stepping on the gas speeding up the truck.  The rest of the cruise was quite.  J.J. with no worries at all still didn't know what the hell, Luke was arguing about.

They finally arrive at there destination.  Everything worked out as planned and now, there were six trucks parked outside waiting to be unloaded.   Dice called the monster crew.  Holloween was over, and some were unemployed once again.  They clear and clean up the south side of the building, which was the only side that wasn't being used for anything.  Jackle used a jungle theme.  With one wall cover by fake plates.  The porcelain floor was black and white blocks, with a red carpet running through.  He wanted the visitor to walk the red carpet as they view the paranormal, creepy exhibits.

Dice visit a couple of clothing department stores to obtain over fifty mannequins.  Then he assigns four of his crew to dress them up in all the horrifying customs that are this Haunted house owned.  Freddie, Jason, Jackle and Hide, The Sandman, and many more.  Dice make sure that this part of the job was done right.

While, Jackle with some of Dice workers help, began to unload the trucks.  One by one, they empty out the trucks.  There was an exhibit of rare books, rare rocks, and stones, with creatures and dolls that once haunted and killed.  Everything was in its own seal or locked up in a canister box.   Many items were very fascinating.  Each object had its own brochure explaining the phenomenon that it portrayed.

The day turned into night and finally, the last truck was completed unloaded.  Dice went to see how things were going.  "Hey, partner.  How's everything." he asked   "Dude, I didn't realize how many exhibits I bought.  Right, this second we just finished unloading the last truck." he explained  "I figured you were still out here.  When the driver didn't come to get their pay.  Here, they work for you all day, you handed them their pay and by the way, thanks a lot for that nice deposit you made on my account." said Dice with a very happy smile.  "Just think, Now we are, officially partners.  Dice, once I'm done here I'm heading home.  We can continue this tomorrow." Jackle said.   "Cool, man, I'll see you tomorrow.  Thanks a lot for everything man. You change my life in a good way.  Tomorrow then." said Dice then he headed out the building also heading home.

Jackle called out for his drivers.  One at a time he handed them their envelope which contains two days pay.  Then when he reached the last driver, he was sitting down resting on the forbidden rocking chair.  Jackle stopped, and read the sign that was over this rocking chair.  It read, If you sit on this chair, you surely will die.  No sitting allow!

"Shit, I hope this isn't real.  I'm too late to stop it now." he thought as he handed him his money.  Luke, took his envelope said thanks then went on his way.  When he reached his truck, J.J. was waiting for him.   "What are you doing here?" Luke asked   "Well aren't you going to give me a ride home." he asked   "Hell no, catch the fucken bus.  What you forgot you called me a bitch early." said Luke as he stepped into this truck, locking the window and the door.

"Dude, man, I really think you're going crazy.  I never called you a bitch. You need to drop this dumb shit already.  It's all good, I'll take the bus." said J.J.  who then walked away and did just that.

Everyone went home to rest.  Work was over, tomorrow was another day.  Jackle headed home to his highrise apartment.  He had something to eat, then fell fast asleep right on the sofa.

The night was quite as most of the world slept.  But there was one doll that didn't want to sleep, he wanted to talk, bitch and scream. 

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