Annabelle Meets Chucky - Chucky's Angry

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Jackle headed towards his office to continue working on his website.  "So much to do so little time and now that I think about it, I shouldn't send everyone home for the day.  This place is a bit scary when you're alone," he muttered to himself as he worked.

Meanwhile, the two dolls kept silence until Jackle closed the door behind him.  "Hey, look over here.  I know damn well you fucken hear me.  Hay! I said Hay!" he whispered yelled across the room.   Annabelle slowly turned her head to look at Chucky.   "Good, ya, ya, look my way.  Hey sweetie, why don't you show me how to do that trick you did earlier.  I do need to stretch my legs." the boy doll said kindly.    Annabelle slowly lifted up her arm.  It kind of look as though she was going to step out of the box, but instead she took out her middle finger, then chucked a giggle.   Chucky was angry out of his mind.  "You bitch!  You ugly freak show doll.  When I get my hands on you.  I'm going to tear you to pieces!" yelled Chucky who was now trying to shake his box open.

Jackle quickly got off his chair, "Now, what the hell was that?  I sure I heard someone say bitch." he thought to himself as he walked to the office door then glanced down the hallway.   "Wow, I'm getting a little freak out here.  Maybe I'll finish the page I'm on and then head home.  Tomorrow, I need to make sure that I never stay here alone again.  Being scare with people around is fine with me, but being scared when you are alone, isn't fun at all." he thought as he continued to type the last page.   When he was done he packed his briefcase.  He went from room to room turning off all the lights.

Then on his way out, he passed by the doll exhibit.   He stopped in front of Annabelle and Chucky.  "Wow, you two are very creepy.  What patient in there right mind will give creatures like this to their children.  Look at them, I'm a grown man and it still freaks me out.  I'll see you two tomorrow." he said with a grin as he went toward the exit heading home.

"Did he just call us creatures.  What the hell is his problem?  I'm a man just like he is." said Chucky in his cocky tone.    Annabelle glanced over at him and giggled loudly.   "What the hell you laughing at?  Ugly bitch, at least I was living for real once.  You're nothing but rags and glass made for some stupid child.  Keep laugh, I got something that will make you laugh till you die." said Chucky as he struggles to get his hands free.    Annabelle didn't respond.  She giggled and laugh as she slowly opens her case door and stepped out once again. 

"Hey!  Hey you! Don't leave me here.  Come on,  don't listen to all those things I said.  I wasn't talking to you.  I was talking to that doll on the shelf next to yours.  Come on be a sweetie and set me free.  Pleases." said the boy doll kindly.    

But Annabelle just giggles and disappeared through the hallway.  All Chucky could hear was her laughter as she moving around in the building.  "You!  You! Girl, you pissed me off and you're dead I tell you.  You dead.  I'll find my own way out this damn box and tear you to pieces.  Bitch!" yelled Chucky as he continued to struggle to get his hands free.  While Annabelle took a tour of the museum.

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