Annabelle Meets Chucky - Whispers

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Before Jackle could say he needed Dice, his partner was gone before he could take a deep breath.   "Some partner.  Well, let me organize and clean up to my liking," he said as he began to organize making the place pretty nice.

Chucky nor Annabelle was moved from their shelves.  Then suddenly Chucky decides to get Annabelle attention again when he realized she was no longer on her shelf.  "Hell no!  No fucken way. Now she's just rubbing it in my face.  When I get my hands on her, I'm going to stay here, then stab her then stab her. Bitch get me out of here!" yelled Chucky    He was yelling so loud, "Hello, is someone back there?" asked Jackle looking around the museum.  "All this creepy shit is beginning to freak me out.  Not a good place to be alone," he whispered       

Meanwhile, J.J. his worker, "Sir, I will also be heading out now.  But if you need me, I don't mind staying." he said as he grabbed his personal things then headed out.   "Go ahead. I'll be fine.  I need to start on the website and advertising.  Just make sure you come back to work tomorrow morning." Jackle replied closing the Museum's door behind him.

Jackle headed to his office.  He had plenty of paperwork to take care of.   He walked through the exhibits, glancing and checking that everything was in there right place.  As he heads to his office, "Bitch!  Annabelle, where did you go? Get back here and let me out this damn box!" screamed Chunky    Annabelle was wondering around when she heard Jackle's footsteps she quickly ran back into her box.     "Oh, I see you're back!" yelled Chunky    When "Anyone in here, besides me?" Jackle said as he walked through the possess doll exhibits.      "Is anyone here?" he asked again.    No one said a word.  Jackle was a little creeped out.  But, "These old buildings always make horrifying sounds.  Hi, Chunky, and Annabelle." he muttered as he walked by them heading back towards his office.  The two dolls didn't move, didn't say a word.  But the moment Jackle turned his back, they both glanced at him, then at each other.

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