Annabelle Meets Chucky - What I Saw

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Rick shook his head yes as his uncle closed the door.    "You see stupid you got us in trouble already and we just got here.  Sit there and play with your things and don't even think about going out that door," said Rick while still playing his handheld game.

"You shut up! For your information, I didn't take the doll out that case.  She was already sitting on the floor. " replied Susie   "Ya right, the ugly doll open the case and step out all by her lonesome.  Girl please you really need to find a better excuse." replied her brother   "Well for your information, I didn't see her move at all, but I did see the Chucky doll move his head." she replied  "Oh, really. You are so lucky you're my baby sister." he said   "Why is that?" the little girl replied   "Cause I won't have the heart to put you in the nut house.  Now shut up and let me play my game." said Rick

"Well don't believe me. I know what I saw." his sister replied as she took her doll out her back. Along with her make and began to play by herself. As she mutters.  "You believe me, right Angel. I know what I saw and I saw Chucky move his head.  I glad you're a doll, you can't disagree with me at all." she muttered as she brushed her dolly's hair.

Meanwhile, Annabelle realizes that the little girl saw Chucky move.  She turned her head looking in his direction.    "Why do I feel like someone is watching me," Chucky said as he glanced over and saw Annabelle looking at him with a very evil stare.

"What the hell are you looking at!  That stupid looking saw me move.  Shit shit, I don't want to be any pissy ass, little girl.  I'm going to miss my thing.  That's shit is all fucked up all over again.  Whatever I have done wrong in the past I will get right this time.  But I really don't' want to be a little girl.  I know I'll get her body then when I'm safe away from this place, I find a better strongman body to possess.  But for, I need to get the fuck out of here.  Bitch! If you don't plan on helping me, stop looking at me." he yelled when suddenly he got one of his arms free.  "Oh, shit ya.  Now to get my other arm free," he muttered

Annabelle saw Chucky free one of his hands.  She was about to open her case when Jackle walked out of his office.    "Hey  JJ, ask the kids what do they want for lunch," he yelled down the hall.     "No problem, be back in two," he said as he put his mop down and headed back to the lunch room.    As he passed by the exhibits he stopped in front of the Chucky doll.  He glanced at it for a second.   "So funny to think my niece thought she saw him move," he muttered then continued on his way.

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