Annabelle Meets Chucky - The Fight Continued

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As Chucky walked you can hear the tiny footsteps.  He was desperate.  Annabelle was getting in his way and that was really pissing him off.  He glanced around and spotted a small window which leads to the laundry room.  Chucky looks around as he breathes hard then ran towards the small window.   "I think I can make it without the bitch spotting me," he muttered as he ran for cover.

Annabelle was watching his every move.   "Let's see I'm sure the boy forgot about this window. It right my size. Let's get this bad boy open now." he whispered as he proceeds to open the small window.    

Meanwhile, Rick was looking out the window trying to figure out which way Chucky went. While Susie is still in the closet peeking out the door while waiting for her brother to come back.  He heart was beating heard..  "Where is Rick?  I'm afraid of her by myself. I give him five more minutes and if he doesn't return, I'll surely go looking for him." she muttered as she closed the closet door then sat on the floor near the door.

Chucky finally got the small door open.  "Hey boy.  I'm home! Chucky wants to play. Haha." he yelled as he lit his legs up facing the basement as he entered.  Then suddenly the air got very cold. The wind was getting stronger by the minutes.  "Shit, it looks like a storm is coming. Better hurry, I am running out of time," said Chucky as he notices the sky getting thundering dark.

When suddenly he heard a burst of loud laughter.  Then something gripped him by his legs and began to swing him around in a circle.  "You bitch! Let me go!  Can you just mind your business already?" yelled Chucky as he flew in the air by his legs.  Annabelle didn't respond she just continues to giggle as she spun in circles while holding the doll his legs.

Chucky was getting dizzier by the second.  Rick heard the doll's cry, but he wasn't able to see him.  "Where is that doll?" he said while still holding on to a hammer which he had picked up an hour ago.

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