Annabelle Meets Chucky - Tom Gets Help

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Tom continued to drive as fast as possible.  He finally reaches the police station.  "Help!  Someone help me!" he yelled as he enters through the doors.    "Sir how can we help you?" asked Office Johnson.   "My best friend was attacked.  He's hurt somewhere out there on the highway." Tom explained.  "You friend is hurt and he just left him out there?" asked the officer.   "Yes, but you don't understand.  There was this doll in the middle of the road.   It looks as though it was in good condition.   We stopped the car and picked it up.  He threw the doll to the back seat.  

Then suddenly the fucken doll came to life.  I want us to take him to 333 West Arch Street.  He attacked my friend and killed him." he explained   "So your friend is not hurt, he's dead?' asked the officer   "Well yes, I think. But that thing is out there.  He said his name was some kind of Charles something, something.  We need to get out there, please might friend might be still alive." said Tom   "Wait you just said the doll kill your friend.  So get your story straight, is your friend dead or alive." said the officer with giggles as the other officers in the room also had their laugh.      "What the hell is so damn funny.  Someone is hurt here.  Stop laughing and do your job." said Tom   "Well, I know exactly who to call.  Officer Torres, call the nut house, let them know we have a 320 to be picked up." replied Officer Johnson

Tom heard what the officer said so he quickly ran out of the police station.  "Dumb ass cops, they won't know the truth even if it hit them in the face.  I must go back and check on John, that's the least I can do," he muttered as he jumped into his car and took off.  "333 West Arch, that's where I'm going once I help John.

Tom road back to where he left his friend.  When he was a half a block away he notices the ambulance was helping John.  "Well John, don't worry I'm going to get this fucken evil doll.  No one hurts my friends.   Besides I must warn whoever lives in that house." he whispered to himself as turned the car around and headed towards JJ's sister's house.

Annabelle Meets ChuckyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora