Annabelle Meets Chucky - Annabelle Meets Susie

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The moment Jackle stepped into the office.  Annabelle opens her case door and jumped down to the floor. She glances around then proceeded to walk.  "Hey,  hey beautiful, please let me out of here.  You can't be roaming around without me," said Chucky   Annabelle turned her head all the way around facing her back.  Give him an evil look, then she ran off to roam the museum.

That doll has gotten on my last nerve. I have so many ideas for her if she just set me free.  I must find a way out of here!" he screamed so loud that Jackle   "Oh, it sounds like JJ has arrived." he said as he walked out his office to realize that he was still all alone.

"Shit, his not here yet," he muttered   Then JJ and the kids walked through the front door.   "Good morning Chicken Boss," he said with a smile.   "Whatever, I'm glad you finally arrive.  I need you to swipe up the place and mop all the floors." replied Jackle   "But first you must meet my niece and nephew.   This is Susie and Rick.  Kids say hello to my boss." said JJ   "Hello sir.' said the children    "Hello kids.  Listen we have a lunch room where you two can play and chill while your uncle does his job.  Just remember not to touch anything.  I'm heading back to my office.  So if you need me that's where I'll be." said Jackle

The two kids ran off to look at the exhibits.    "Wow look at all this creepy stuff.  Are you afraid jet Susie.  There are dolls will come alive and get you." said Rick   "You better stop.  I'm telling uncle J you're trying to frighten me. So you better stop." replied Susie   "Tell him, I don't care." replied her brother as he continues to walk around.   "Hey wait for me, don't leave me behind," said Susie running behind her brother trying to catch up to him.

Rick found the lunch room first.   He sat in a chair took out his game console and began playing his games.  Susie ran behind him when she suddenly stops.   

"Hey, hello.  What are you doing there on the floor?  Look at your hair.  Missy, I really think you need a makeover.  I have just the thing." said Susie    She placed her backpack on the floor then sat right next to it.  Then she picked up Annabelle placing the doll on her lap.  She took out a brush and her play makeup kit and proceeded to brush Annabelle tangle hair.   She pulled hard that the doll face looks a bit upset.  Once she finished her hair,  "Mama always say that a lady should always look nice.  Now look how pretty I've made you." she said as she places her small mirror in front of the doll.   Annabelle saw her reflection and somehow her look was no longer angry.

Meanwhile, JJ had the mop ready to start work.  "Before I get too busy, let me make sure these two are where they should be," he muttered as he headed towards the lunch room.    "Rick, where's Susie?" he asked as he glanced around.   "I don't know.  She was right behind me and then she wasn't." replied Rick  "This kid is such an ass." JJ thought as he shook his head and walked away looking for Susie.  "Susie, where are you?  You suppose to be in the lunchroom," he yelled as he walked the halls then he spotted her sitting on the floor against the wall.

"Hello Uncle JJ.  I know, I know to get into the lunch room right now." she replied    "That true, but what are you doing with that doll?" he asked a bit afraid to pick her up, he gripped Annabelle by the arm.   "Oh, she was just sitting there.  I gave her a makeover.  How does she look?" asked little Susie   "She looks the same to me.  Listen Jackle told you not to touch the exhibits.  While did you take her out of her case?" he replied   "I didn't, she was sitting right there.  So I decided to make her pretty." replied Susie   "Good luck with that.  Now get to the lunch room and stay there.  No more making over the evil dolls.  Do you understand me?" said JJ as he placed Annabelle back into her case.   

"I didn't take her out Uncle JJ.  But you think I did, so I sorry.  I won't touch anything else." she replied    She put her things back into her bag and places her backpack on her back when she glanced up she noticed that Chucky moved his head to the right.   "Hey, he moved." she replied   "Really?  Get to the lunch room now." replied JJ   "Fine, but that doll move.  I saw it yes I did." she replied    "You know young lady, I don't want to hear anything else about moving dolls.  Stay here and play and you Mr. Rick make sure she doesn't leave this room. Look after your sister!" yelled JJ as he closes the door behind him.

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