Annabelle Meets Chucky - Annabelle's Left

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The two kids hid behind a car across the street.  Meanwhile, Annabelle's floats over towards the microwave, where Chucky's body is still frying.   You can hear her laughter from room to room.  Then suddenly the microwave shatters.  Chucky's reminders landed on the floor with the rest of the burned up microwave.  Then as she laughs louder Annabelle began to elevate the evils dolls reminds.   When suddenly a car pulled up in front of the house.  You can hear the sound of the tires as the car makes a sudden stop.

"Jackle stay here, I'll run inside and get the kids," said JJ as he stormed out of the car racing towards the house, when he notices the door was wide opened.  Jackle didn't have a worry in the world nor did he have any idea of what was taking place in JJ's sister's house.  

"Oh, goodness, I hope I'm not too late," he muttered.    Rick and Susie heard when the car made it's sudden stop, that they quickly began to run across the street.  "Uncle JJ, Uncle JJ, we're over here!" yelled Rick as they both ran towards him.    JJ quickly ran in there direction.  "Are you two all right?" he asked as he embraced them, checking and making sure they weren't hurt.

"Uncle JJ, Chucky was alive and Annabelle is still in there," Susie explained.   "So where's Chucky?" he replied  "He's done.  That evil girl doll just kicked his ass bad.  She fried him in the microwave." explained Rick   "What are you two saying?  These two dolls are both alive?" JJ replied  "Not anymore.  I do believe Annabelle got rid of the freckle redhead doll." replied Susie with a smile.  "And Annabelle? What about her?" he replied  "Well I think she's still inside waiting for her next victim." replied Rick  "No she's not!  She's a good doll.  She saved us you know." yelled Susie as they all began to walk back towards the house.

Meanwhile, Jackle sat in the car, glancing around, a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect. "You kids, go in wait in the car with my boss.   While I check the inside of the house," said JJ as he walked the two kids towards the car making sure they both sat down in the back seat.   "Uncle JJ, be careful, Annabelle is still inside the house." said Rick  "So are we ready to head back?" asked Jackle   "Not jet boss, I need to check something first." he replied  "Did you find my dolls?" his boss asked with concern  "Not, this minute, I'll be right back," said JJ as he slowly went back towards the house.

He slowly walked back into the house as he glances to the left and then to the right.  It very quiet as he walked toward the hallway to the kitchen.   He spotted the smoke as he got closer to the kitchen.  "What the hell went on in this house?" he muttered when he saw what was left of the microwave on the kitchen's floor.   "Holy shit, what the fuck is that," he said as he tripped over Chucky's head.  "I'm going to kill that voodoo bitch! Mark my words, I'll come back just to kill that bitch!" muttered the head as JJ approached.

"Fuck! This thing is still alive," said JJ as he slowly bent down and took a closer look.   "You shit for brains, get closer enough and let me bit your nose off! I'm going to kill that bitch!" yelled Chucky's head.  "Dude you not killing anyone.  You don't even have a body left you dumb fuck," said JJ  who they picked up a black plastic bag and slowly picked up Chucky's head by the hair and dropping it into the plastic bag.    "What are you doing?  Get off of me now! I'll kill you! I kill you all!" Chucky continued to scream as JJ closes the bag.   

"Creepy fucken doll, I do believe you're done," said JJ when suddenly he saw a black shadow fly right by him.  "What the fuck was that?" he thought as he quickly picked up his keys off the table and headed out the front door.  The wind began to pick up as he got closer to the door.  The wind pushed him back towards the kitchen, but JJ kept on holding on to anything he could until, he finally made it to the front door, dragging himself out of the house against the strong evil wind that was surrounded by evil laughter.  "Who the hell is there?" asked JJ as he finally steps out of the house with the bag with Chucky's head still in his hand.  "What in the world was that? he said as he glanced inside of the bag to take one last look at Chucky's head.

"What the fuck are you looking at?  I'm going to kill you, and those fucken noisy kids!" yelled the evil head.  "Dude, like I said before I'll say it again, You aren't doing a damn thing," said JJ with a smile then he tied the bag and threw it in the neighbor's trashcan. 

Susie and Rick head where sticking out of the window as JJ got closer to the car.   "Did you find Annabelle?" asked Susie   "No, but I found what was left of Chucky.  Listen up, my boss is just sitting there in the driver's seat with no clue of what happened.  Let's leave it that way, come step out of the car, we're staying here." said JJ   "But I thought he knew that we had the dolls?" replied Susie   "That's the only thing he knows, now get moving." said Uncle JJ "What was that?" asked Jackle as he put his cell phone down.  "Nothing important boss.  Look, I'm staying here with the kids.  They made a mess in the house, which I need to clean up before my sister returns.  So if you don't mind I'll see you tomorrow morning." explained   JJ   

"Sure, but what about the dolls?  I paid a lot of money for those two fuckers?" asked Jackle   "Sorry boss, I didn't find neither one of them.  Sorry boss.  Maybe they're back at the museum and we just didn't see them." explained JJ  "Well I hope you're right.  Well, kids, I'll see you later and do stay out of trouble.  Stop giving your uncle a hard time." said Jackle as he turned on the car ready to go.   "We never give Uncle JJ trouble.  He's our favorite uncle." replied Susie       "Later, I'll see you tomorrow first thing in the morning.  Bye guys." said Jackle as he began to take off.

The kids waved as the car took off.  Then they all headed back to the house.  Susie took her uncle by the hand and as they walked in the house, "You two need to help me clean up this place before your mother gets here.  So every start cleaning." h said as he picked up the broom.  The Susie glanced up at her Uncle, "Uncle JJ, while didn't you tell your boss that the dolls were alive?" she asked  "Two reasons, if he didn't believe, you would think I'm crazy, and then I'll be out of a good job. Let him find out on his own, he brought those durn dolls." JJ explained as they started to clean.  "Well, I think that means, he should know what really going on." said Susie  "Stop worrying, after everything you just went through, do you think he'll believe you?' her uncle replied   "Not, really." she replied  "Now enough talking, and more cleaning." said JJ  Rick didn't say much.  He runs up to his room to clean, but first, he needed to know that Chucky was gone for good.   He opened his window and glanced out staring at the bag in the neighbor's trashcan.  "I know you're still alive," he whispered to himself as he stares at the bag from a distance.

Then a trash picker with a shopping cart approached the trashcan.  He looked through the trash and took anything he thought was worth saving and one of the things he took was Chucky's head.  "Let's see?  What do we have here?  Hey, the head of a good time doll.  It's a bit burned up, but you can still see its smile.  Buddy, I have the perfect place for you." the homeless man muttered then he took Chucky's head and tied it to the front of his shopping cart then went on his way.  Chucky wanted to talk and complain, but it wasn't the right place nor right time.

Meanwhile, Jackle drove down the highway towards the museum.   "Wow, I'm getting kind of hungry.  Let me stop at this truck stop and get something to eat," he said as he pulled into the truck stop.  Went to the restroom.  He then brought a cheeseburger with a soft drink then headed back his car.

As he opened the front door, "Holy shit!  How did you get back there?" he said as he places his food next to Annabelle who was now sitting peacefully on the back seat.  The doll kept still without moving nor saying a word.  "Well girly, back to the museum we go.  Rumors are that you have an evil personality.  But I don't believe in ghost.  Strange, JJ said he didn't find Chucky, nor you and here you are.  Don't worry, I'll put you back where you belong." said Jackle as he continued to drive towards the museum.

When he arrived he picked up his bag of food along with Annabelle.  He placed her under his arm and headed into the museum.  He then placed here back inside of her canister and then headed back to his office.  He sat down and ate his food with no worries in the world.

JJ and the kids clean up the place before his sister arrived home.  She had no idea what went on in her house. Annabelle was placed back into her container, quiet, silence, and behaved, until the next time she decides to come back to life and do her thing.

Rick and Susie didn't talk about the incident, but they never forgot about it either.

The End

Maria Pagan

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