chapter 47

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Noradiana was opening her jaws to unleash a terrible Dragon’s breath while Valenor was pushing her speed to the limit, attempting to save me.

I realized that I could no longer hear the Elder’s Song so I reached out to Valenor Telepathically.

‘Quickly, Polymorph to my favorite form!’

Noradriana had interrupted her Greater Magic Nullifying Song in order to deal with Valenor.


Gooooo! Puaaaak!

“Teleport! Teleport! Teleport!”

I was able to arrive just a fraction of a second before she was hit by the flames. Hugging Valenor’s human form, I teleported us out of there and onto the green Elder dragon’s back.

“Ha ha ha ha, Noradriana, thanks for the free ride!”



She turned her body to try and flatten me on the ground, but I simply teleported to her underbelly

“Ha ha ha ha, it seems like your stomach isn’t green!”

I stood upon her like a conqueror riding a ship. Her claws chased me but they were able to match my teleporting speed.

“Noradriana,my companion is quite wild! Attacks of that level aren’t enough to reach him.”

Valenor also joined me in taunting the Elder dragon. Although the four dragons had surrounded us, they didn’t dare launch and attack on their mother’s body.

Quaak, hooong

Noradiana tirelessly tried to catch us but her speed simply couldn’t match up. After a long time of being unsuccessful, she finally lost patience.

“Elder Dragon’s Authority!”

Kaa Aaaakkk!

The Elder dragon’s eyes turned green and Valenor’s hand clutched her head, screaming and twisting in terrible pain. I was momentarily distracted by my wife’s torment and was just slightly too slow in teleporting away. Her claws had finally reached me and tore my body apart.

Luckily I had still managed to teleport, but I had lost my lower half and crashed down into the ground holding Valenor.

“Make it stop!”

Valenor continued to squirm in pain.

‘Create levitation’

[You have learned Levitation Lv1]


‘Create Teleport’

[You have learned Teleport Lv1]


Huuu Wooong

Gooooo Shoong Paaaah

The spot I had just been in erupted in flames as Noradiana has sent a breath and several spells my way. Having missed, she knew she had to seal my magic in order to catch me and began her song. However, this time I was ready for it and was able to escape its range in time.

“Teleport! Teleport! Teleport!”….”

I escaped with a series of short jumps, expecting the Elves and dragons to be hot on my tail, but when I looked back I was surprised to see that they hadn’t chased after me. The green Elder dragon was simply staring at me from afar. I quickly arrived back to my Pit, meeting the Goblin King , Chuck and the chimeras on the way. I instructed them to position themselves to maintain a 10 kilometer distance from the enemy before teleporting back to my palace.

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