chapter 48

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The enemies were probably very confident due to yesterday’s victory and were slowly advancing, expecting to win easily.

“Is their speed reduced because they are escorting the an offspring of the World’s Roots? Gnoss, it’s perhaps just as you expected, they are transplanting a young bud and want to use the nectar here to provide for it.”

‘Although it isn’t certain, there are very few explanations as to why a dragon would choose to march so slowly. They may indeed be escorting the World Root’s offspring to the Pit.

The entire Elves army was advancing steadily with the Elder dragon in tow. All their actions screamed of them trying to protect something precious. My next move was going to be completely crazy, but hopefully one that they wouldn’t expect. I had no choice to send my minions away and to try this risky gambit of mine. Even if I were to die I could resurrect, but the same wasn’t true for my subordinates. From now on I will be the invisible arrow which strikes the enemy’s heart.

‘Time to begin my counter attack!’


I hid myself perfectly before the enemy commenced their assault.

“Teleport! Teleport!….”

I quickly passed the through the Elves and dragons, but no one noticed my presence. I had arrived just behind Noradriana and found a colorful carriage, slowly and ceremoniously advancing.

‘Is that it?’

If activated, Noradriana’s spell could nullify all magic, but it wasn’t possible for her to stop me from physically interfering. The carriage wasn’t as well guarded as I had expected. Perhaps no one considered that anyone would be crazy enough to attack it under the Elder dragon’s watch. With a combination of Levitation and Invisibility, I approached the carriage soundlessly. Although I had yet to have been noticed, the danger of being spotted increased the longer I stayed here.

‘Gnoss, can you confirm that it’s an offspring of the World’s Root?’

‘Yea, that’s right.’

The buds before me were tiny in size, their names flashing in rainbow colours. I carefully reached out to grab them.


Noradriana had sensed something and stopped advancing. Likewise, all the elves turned around to stare at the carriage.


“Teleport! Teleport!….”

Without giving the green Elder dragon a chance to sing her magic nullifying spell, I hightailed it out of their as quickly as possible, taking the buds with me. She was closing in on my position. Although I was invisible, I couldn’t hide the green light emitted by the seeds.

Koo Woo Woo!

The Elves and dragons were left behind in the dust, only Noradriana could barely keep up with my teleporting speed, but she didn’t dare to use her Dragon’s Breath for fear of harming the young roots.

“Ha ha ha, continue to chase me!”

I was moving very fast with a series of quick and short teleport jumps. The sounds of the Elven troops could no longer be heard, so I looked back to see what was going on. My pursuers all moved at different speeds forming what appeared like a pyramid heading my way.

‘As expected, Kikiki’

I also noticed that Noradriana was struggling to catch up to me. It appears that through successive teleports I was slightly faster than the speed of sound.

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