Chapter 52

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Just like Keil said he gave me the space . He didn't call or visit me . Not even a single message. No matter how much I tried to call him my calls always went to voice messages . I went to his house but it was locked .Niether Corl nor Jacques knew about Keil's whereabouts . It looked like all the Backstorms vanished from New York. I couldn't sleep nor eat when I think about our current situation. No one in Keil's family answered my calls . Later Ian informed me they are on a family vacation. That news made me feel ease but he refused to tell me about the place they went saying Keil would come back soon .

Today is the day Keil said he would talk to me . Cherreen dragged me to the bathroom and forced me to take a bath since I have to meet him . I know Keil would end our relationship. I didn't believe it first but I know it for sure . He never last this long without contacting me . I sighed knowing I drag us to this mess. I don't know how I'm going to survive without him . I cursed to those crazy media people for destroy us .

I stared at my self after getting dressed. I couldn't recognized me . I was so pale and looked barely alive. I sighed preparing for today . Everyone tried to cheer me since they heard what happened . Ashley came to our apartment almost everyday . But the person I want wasn't here for me god knows what's he doing .

I waited till Keil show up. Nomatter how hard I stare at the road or at my phone he didn't show up . Ignoring Cherreen words saying he would come to me I changed into my large buttoned shirt and cotton shorts preparing to bed . I guess today I'm going to bed earlier than usual.

"Cheer up Shenaya.You look like a widow . That man can't live without you , everyone can see that . He is crazy about you . So don't worry . He will show up sooner. May be their flight canceled . You know about him very well ,he won't broke his words and it's only 7 . Night is still young" Cherreen sighed when she noticed I'm not going to respond. I WANT A BREAK . I cringed when I remembered my words. I should have being more careful with my words knowing Keil .I stared at the TV not paying any attention. Still there's a liitle hope that he would call me. Even short message would help . I know I sound desperate but I feel like I'm loosing my sanity . Never thought I'm attached to Keil this much .

I jumped from the couch hearing the sound notifing me that I have a message . 'come out ' That's all it said . I opened the door and raced towards the door without telling anything to Cherreen. She would have guessed what's happening after witnessing my behavior. I barely waited till the elevator reached towards the first floor . I know I would hear the worst news at any minute but I couldn't help but being excited. I'm seeing Keil after really hard seven days .

I breathe hitched seeing the familar black jeep . When i get closer the door opened for me but keil didn't step out for me .

"Get in "His rough voice . I missed hearing it so much . Without arguing I quickly get in . I turned towards Keil but he was looking straight at road . I sighed knowing I'm the only one happy to see each other .

"Seat belt " Again only few words . I want to demand him to speak to me more not few words . I put it slowly and Keil started the drive . I quickly send a message to Cherreen informing her I'm with Keil .

I frowned noticing we are driving away from our apartment knowing I'm in sleeping attires . "Keil , I'm only in night clothes "I mumbled. He ignored me . I sighed .

"Keil " he pulled over suddenly making me remember about previous night . He unfast his seat belt quickly and captured my lips in a rough kiss .

It was angry and abusive one . He kept kissing me just like he is desperate for water.He is punishing me . I barely keep up with his way . His whole body weight was on me caging me . I tigged his hair trying to slow down , he groaned in approval but didn't slow down . He bite my lips hard making me moan in his mouth . His master tongue slip into mine dominating my mouth. He let go of my bruised lips and started to kiss my neck .His cold hands slip though my shirt toughing my bare skin making me shiver in cold. He kept kissing me leaving me in a moaning mess . I didn't notice Keil unbuttoning few buttons on my shirt .He bit quite hardly bace of my neck making me wriggle under him . He placed few wet kissing messaging the place making the pain go away . Unfamiliar sension ran through my body when he did that . He placed few more kisses on my exposed skin and kissed me again . I let him do the deed while I held him like a koala. I was overwhelmed by every new feeling . He stopped his assulut and put his face on my neck breathing hard . "Don't you dare to say stay away from you ever " he said in hard tone making me shiver .

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