My Past

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   My life felt so unreal- the pain, the loss, the... "Y/N!" my old orphanage friend, Reo, shouted through the phone, interrupting my train of thought. "Ahh! You scared me Reo," I whined. "Well, I'm trying to tell you about this mint-eyed guy I saw watching you the other day. If you don't get the details, you won't be able to tell if it's him or not!" I pondered momentarily on whether I cared or not. "Yeah, yeah..." I sighed. "Continue." "Well, he was about 5'6 and had white hair that faded to pinkish red at the end and he had this eye tattoo..." his voice faded out again as I got lost in my past once more. My parents always screaming at me and hurting me..."Why are you always so useless Y/N!? Are you TRYING to be a disappointment??" my mother yelled as she beat me. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Mother! Please stop hitting me! No!" I pleaded. "You do not have the potential you think you have, child!" She started hitting me harder. I let out a whimper and teared up. "Don't cry!" she screamed at me. "Stop being such a baby! You're so weak!" She hit me one last time and I ran away to my room. "You worthless nine year old!" she yelled after me and I closed the door and locked it before hiding in the corner to cry. I sniffled a bit as I teared up. Just a few months after that, on my birthday, they put me up for adoption.
   "Y/N, are you okay?" Reo asked, concerned from my sniffles. "Uh...yeah! I was just um...I just stubbed my toe...haha..." I assured him, wiping away my tears. "Oh...okay then," Reo continued describing the man. He sounded pretty scary now that I was actually paying attention to what he was saying about him. "An eye tattoo?.." I remembered he had said. "Where did you say the tattoo was?" "On his upper right arm." he replied. "Okay. I'll keep an eye out for him," I said, getting ready to end the call. "Okay, stay safe Y/N! I'm always here if you need me!" he said in final words before hanging up. I plopped myself down on my bed and it shook in response. I sighed and turned on my phone to check the time. I then walked over, turned on my computer, and scrolled through my emails.
   "Trash...Trash...Ugh why are there so many trash emails in here?" I complained. Then, I came to one certain email. It looked a bit...different from the others. It read:

Dear Y/N,
   Congratulations! You have been selected to attend the Mint Eye Organization Party! Make sure to wear formal attire! RSVP to officially be added onto the guest list!
  For Paradise,

Okay. First, what the hell is Mint Eye? And second, why would I, of all people, get an invitation to a party like this? I don't even know these people. Wait. I skimmed over the email once more and realized, "HOW DO THEY KNOW MY NAME!?!?" I fell back in my chair, shaken up. I jumped up, not bothering to pick my chair up with me, and peered at the email over the top of my computer desk. My name...they know my name. "Okay. Okay. Get ahold of yourself, Y/N," I gasped, trying to reassure myself that everything was fine. I left my computer screen on the email and decided to go outside and take a walk. I slipped on my shoes and a light jacket to go over my clothing and strided out of the door, making sure to lock it behind me.
   It was 6:54 pm and I could feel the nice breeze blowing my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed my life at this moment, glad to be away from my old, miserable life. "Stop SQUIRMING!" my father screamed at me, and slapped me across the face, swelling it up nearly instantly. I looked at him with fear in my eyes, terrified at what he would do next. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and brought me close to his face. "You WILL cooperate with me, or else I will make things SO much worse for you." Tears started forming in my eyes, but all I did was nod in agreement. He took me outside to the stake I knew so well. The stake he would tie me to when he was in a bad mood. He snatched the bloodied rope off of the ground from all the previous times this had happened, and tied it tightly around my left ankle. I nearly said "Ow" but held it back. I could feel it cutting into my skin once more. He slapped me one more time before walking back inside, satisfied with his actions.
   I snapped my eyes back open and started gasping. My old life- my miserable, terrifying, old life... I glanced at my surroundings and realized I hadn't moved from where I was standing when I closed my eyes. For an instant, I thought that memory might be reality, and I never escaped, but here I am. I checked the time again. It was 7:07 pm. I continued walking down the street and tried to keep my mind off of the past. I was walking by some tall buildings, and then I heard gunshots. I spun around to check behind me and there was this cute redhead with yellow and black striped glasses, golden eyes, a red shirt with a white stripe around the collar, jeans, and a black sweatshirt with amber accents running in my direction, with a group of armed people following after him, shooting. He ran to me, grabbed my arm, and yelled, "Come with me!" He dragged me through the maze of buildings and eventually we came to a very expensive-looking car. It looked like a race car. "Get in!" he commanded, and I complied. He sped away from the people chasing him and we lost them.
   "Sorry for dragging you with me like that." the vermillion-haired male apologized, running the fingers of his left hand through his hair while driving with the right. "It's fine. You were in danger back there and I just happened to be in the way," I said sheepishly. "By the way, what's your name?" I asked. "Ah...that," he started. "Just call me 707." "Ooh, are you like an undercover agent or something?" I guessed excitedly. He glanced over at me in shock and started to sweat profusely. "Where'd you get that idea...haha..." 707 laughed nervously. "Well, anyways, my name is Y/N. Just in case you wanted to know," I said and smiled at him. I could tell he caught my smile out of the corner of his eye because he smiled back at me. "Again, sorry for dragging you here like this. I just didn't want to have me be the reason for an innocent person getting hurt," he apologized one last time. "It's okay, 707. It's my fault I was in the wrong place at the wrong time..." Time. TIME!
   "Wait!" I gasped. "W-what?!" 707 said worriedly. "The time I met you was 7:07!!" I was excited at my new discovery. "Woah, really?" "Yup!!" He seemed shocked at this too. "Hehe!" I giggled. "I'm gonna take you back to my place, m'kay?" he asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. "Okay," I replied cheerfully. "You need to spend the night, and tomorrow I'll introduce you to some of my friends." He said 'friends' in a weird way, almost as if there was a secret behind it. I decided to ignore it. "Onward!" I playfully commanded while pointing ahead of us in the car. "You've got it, Commander Y/N!" 707 played along with me. "Hehe," I blushed.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now