Taking Care of Seven

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   I woke up on the couch again and instantly noticed, "IT'S 1 PM?!" "Can you quiet down?" a voice said from the computer desk's direction. It sounded a bit stuffy. "Seven?" I asked. "Yeah?" he answered. "Are you sick?" No response. "Seven?" Quiet. "SEVEN!" "What do you want?" Not the answer I wanted. "Answer my question, please..." "What question?" Seven asked. "ARE. YOU. SICK?" I called out of impatience. Silence once more. I rolled myself off of the couch and walked over to him, slamming my hand on his computer desk. He looked over at me, saw my hair, and snickered. I took his headphones off and said in his ear, "Are. You. SICK?!" He flinched as I said 'sick' from how loud I said it. "Geez, calm down, Y/N. I'm not-ACHOO-sick..." Seven's eyes widened a bit as he sneezed, leaving behind the evidence of being sick. "Get off your stupid computer, Seven. You never slept either, did you?" I was now agitated and there were plenty of hints in my voice. I started to drag him out of his chair and to his room. "It's not like it matters..." he grumbled. "You can't help me." Those words triggered a series of flashbacks that weren't very pleasant.
   "Y/N!" Reo shouted as the grumpy orphanage 'caretaker' dragged him into the punishment room. "Y/N!..." he wailed as the door slammed behind the two of them. Despite knowing I would get in trouble afterwards, I ran over to the door and started to pound on it. "Let Reo out! He didn't do anything!" I screamed. I heard the whip being dragged off of the wall. "NO!" Tears streamed down my face. "It was me! I'm sorry! It wasn't him!" I pleaded and she opened the door. "So you are saying that YOU caused the vase to break?" The woman looked down on me with a threatening face. Reo had been blamed by the awful 'prankster' kid here. He knocked it over while Reo was next to him and then blamed it on him with a smirk. She cackled at the thought and slammed the door shut once more. I heard him whimpering behind the shut door and when he came back out he was bloodied. "I'm so sorry..." I apologized to him. "It doesn't matter...you couldn't have helped me anyways.." Reo said sadly and walked away.

   I gasped and blinked, triggering another one. My father was being investigated by the cops for abuse. He managed to get out of it, but after the case was closed, he hurt me again. "Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?!" his voice boomed as I hid underneath the table, cowering. He dropped to the ground and glared at me. My father pulled me out from underneath the table with much force. He took me to my mother and they both beat me with anything that happened to be around them. They were screaming inaudible things to me and I was about to pass out. My birthday was tomorrow. The day they put me up for adoption. Once it came, a scary looking man took me to a building that seemed to be nice. It had a rainbow on the front door, but once I stepped inside, it was a whole new horrifying world. I looked around me and just saw other orphans being beat by 'caretakers'. There was a nice lady waiting for me. I stepped up to her and she told me all about the orphanage. Sadly, she was the only nice 'caretaker' there, and she was fired just for that reason about a month later. I was roomed with Reo and he welcomed me with open arms. But as for most of the others, they just hurt me more. "You're so dumb!" they would say. "Stupid girl and her boyfriend, REOOOO!" Reo's face always turned into an ashamed look and I would get them to shut up. But it hurt. "You can't fix this, Y/N. It's okay if you can't help..." Reo would say.

  Seven looked at me, as I probably had been standing there for awhile, silent, crying. "I'm sorry..." he apologized. I was the silent one this time. Instead of saying anything, I just turned and walked into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and sat in the corner, terrified of myself; of my past. After about half an hour, I splashed my face with water and stepped out. He was now in bed, sleeping. I half smiled and started to make soup. I used the broth that he had and some of the chicken and one of the noodle packs, as well as vegetables. After the chicken noodle soup was done, I brought it to him and woke him up. "Seven...wake up. I have some soup for you," I told him while tapping his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open. He sat up and took the soup. I also set a glass of water on the nightstand next to his bed. He finished the soup and water and gave me a worried look. "What happened back there..?" Seven asked me. "Is there something I should know?" I sighed and told him a little bit of it.

   "I have a bad past," I answered with slight hesitation. "So some things just trigger flashbacks. It's not your fault, Seven. It's okay. I'm fine now," I reassured him while he looked as if he was making sure to word carefully. "Okay. I just was a bit worried back there, Y/N. You can tell me anything," he smiled. "Thanks, Seven. I'll get you some tissues," I said, since his nose was runny. I brought him the box of tissues and he blew his nose. He also looked very sweaty. "Do you have a fever?" I asked him. "Ehh...Yeah, maybe..." he replied. I sighed and got him a cold washcloth and a bucket of cold water for it and spread it on his forehead. He laid back down and fell asleep pretty quickly. I still sat there to dip the now warm washcloth into the cold water, and to do it again. I had been up for about 10 hours now. I got a little bit tired but stayed up and texted the RFA members.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

  Instead of chatting with the RFA members, someone called 'Unknown' showed up after a series of green text went down the screen...just like when Seven's hacking for his job. "Huh, weird," I said to myself quietly to keep from waking Seven up. I looked back down at the screen and saw a few messages.

Unknown: Hello?
Unknown: Is anyone there?
Unknown: I need a favor
Y/N: Umm...Hi, who are you?
Unknown: That is of little importance
Y/N: I asked you a question there
Unknown: All you need to know is that I'm a good person and I just need a small favor from you
Y/N: How did you even get here?
Unknown: I found a lost phone at the subway and this was the only app on it

   Now you see, I was educated by Seven enough to know that Jumin, Yoosung, Jaehee, Zen, some guy named V, and himself were the only ones left in the RFA. There was a girl named Rika, but she committed suicide. The RFA and himself told me one day on the chatroom.

Y/N: I know that's not true. Who are you?
Unknown: Well then, if you already know, I'll come and get you. You can live in Paradise with me, Y/N.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ