Mary Vanderwood the 3rd

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   Seven shoved me in his bedroom closet, which was surprisingly large and filled with both female and male clothes. "So that's where he got those..." I mumbled to myself. Seven slammed his bedroom door and I heard pounding on the front door. "AGENT 707 OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Came a masculine voice through the reinforced door. I strained my ears to try to detect any sign of Seven in the house, but didn't pick up anything. I heard the voice through the door again. "AGENT 707 I SWEAR I WILL TAZE YOU IF YOU DO NOT OPEN UP THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I heard hesitant footsteps towards the door and it creaked open, then slammed against the wall. Then silence. There was nothing. All the noise in the household had ceased. I dared not make a noise in case it was heard. Then, "707 YOU ACTUALLY KEPT THE HOUSE CLEAN!?!?" I heard a sigh of relief, I'm guessing from Seven, and a small, "Yeah." Footsteps were now rushing all over the house, seeming to inspect every little detail of the now clean home. "Wait. What about your assignment?" "I completed the mission yesterday, as you know, but as for the new hacking assignment...not so much..." A reply came. "Do it. Now." I now realized that the voice must be Mary Vanderwood the 3rd's.
   Hours passed and all I could hear was quick typing on Seven's keyboard. I was getting hungry now; I hadn't eaten since yesterday. "Done," Seven's voice came. Vanderwood replied, "Good, I'm coming back next week to check again, and I hope it'll be as clean as today." His footsteps receded towards the front door when my stomach growled. I flinched as my stomach made this noise. "What was that?" Vanderwood questioned. "Just my stomach. Haven't eaten in awhile, guess I'm hungry," Seven replied calmly. "Make sure you eat," Vanderwood said and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Seven rushed towards his room and opened the closet with a worried expression, "Are you okay? I'm so sorry for leaving you here. Please forgive me. I'll get you something to eat." He rushed the words out and disappeared as fast as he came, not giving me a chance to reply. I walked out into the kitchen to see Seven going through the fridge to get me something to eat. "I can get food myself, Seven. Don't worry about it. Also to answer you: Yes, I'm okay, it's okay you left me there it was necessary, I forgive you, and you should get back to work seeing as you have a busy job. I'll get food myself," I answered his questions.
   He looked at me and then hugged me. "Y/N, I'm so sorry..." "It's okay, Seven." He let go of me and then walked back to his computers to finish working. "After this job, you're going to bed!" I called after him. I made myself a sandwich, and after eating it, Seven called for me, "Y/N! Your phone is ready!" I came over and took it from him and turned it on. It had a new app on it labeled 'Mystic Messenger.' "What's this?" I pointed towards the app. "That's where you'll meet my friends. Go ahead and click into it," he told me. I clicked into it and there was a chatroom open. I clicked on that, and suddenly I was in a group chat of a few people. Their names were Yoosung☆, Jumin Han, Jaehee Kang, ZEN, and of course, 707. Seven introduced me to them.

~Y/N has entered the chatroom~

707: This is Y/N. She was on my mission and she's now part of the RFA. Congrats, Y/N!
Y/N: Haha, thanks
Yoosung☆: Welcome, Y/N! It's so nice to meet you! ♡
Jumin Han: I am glad to be of your acquaintance, Y/N.
Jaehee Kang: Nice to meet you. I hope you have good times in the RFA.
ZEN: Glad to meet you, Princess~
Yoosung☆: Zen!
Y/N: Nice to meet you all. I look forward to befriending all of you in the future.
Yoosung☆: We can be friends right now!
Y/N: Thanks for being so trusting, Yoosung.
707: Ha, she was my friend first! She's really cute, too.
ZEN: Let us see!
707: No way
Yoosung☆: Aw, c'mon Seven!
707: Nope
Jumin Han: You should respect her privacy. Be more respectful.
ZEN: Whatever Trust Fund Kid
Jaehee Kang: By the way...How do you know what she looks like, Seven? Did you hack her phone?
Y/N: We met yesterday.
707: Yeah, well, she is kind of at my house...Haha
Y/N: Whatever you say, Zen
Y/N: I'll get going now you guys. Bye bye!

~Y/N has left the chatroom~

   I sighed and looked at a smiling Seven across the room. He left the chatroom and asked me, "So, do you like my friends?" His eyes had sparkles in them. "They seem pretty cool," I replied with a yawn. "Ah, I'm tired." "You can go to bed if you want, but it looks like you'll be staying a few more days, if you don't mind. Or you could stay forever, if you'd like," he said teasingly. "Actually, I'd like that," I said, but seriously. He stopped talking and asked, "Really?" "Mhm. I like it here. Plus if I'm here, I can help Saeran and Ray." "I'll do my best to let you stay here, then." "Thanks, Seven." My eyes started to close, but I decided to get up once again. "I'm gonna go to the store to get food. I'll be back. Can I take your car?" I asked him. "My baby?" he spoke hesitantly. "Just please, please don't even get a scratch on them or I'm kicking you out." "Okay, thanks Seven!" I called and walked out the door.
   I got to the store and parked the car. I bought some chicken, some noodles, tomatoes, garlic, and a bunch of Honey Buddah Chips for Seven. I paid for the food and put it in the back seat. I was about to open the driver's door of the car when I heard someone call my name. "Y/N!" I turned to see Reo running towards me frantically, looking worried. "Y/N!" he breathed when he reached me. "Where have you been?!" I realized just then that I had left my apartment behind. "You haven't answered my calls or texts since yesterday!" "Oh, um, I'm staying at a friend's house for a while. I might move in. Also, sorry. I didn't have my phone until about an hour ago." "I was so worried, Y/N!" Reo was tearing up now and hugging me. I hugged him back and said, "It's okay. I'm here, Reo. I'll answer your calls and texts from now on, okay?" I heard a sigh of relief from him. "Thank you, Y/N. I'll get going now. I believe this would be your friend's car?" "Yeah," I said. "Okay then," he said with a slightly confused look. "Bye!" He walked off and I got in the car.
   Once I was back at Seven's he immediately opened the door. "Whatcha got there?" He started rummaging through the bags after I set them on the counter. He found one of the three grocery bags with Honey Buddah Chips in them and hugged the chips. "Thank youuu," he said in a sing-songy voice while skipping off. I put the other two grocery bags full of HBC chips in the cupboard and the other groceries away. Laying down on the couch, I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep and materialized back with Saeran and Ray.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now