《☆Special Chapter☆》

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I didn't think this book would even reach 100 reads...but 1,000!? I legit fell on the floor when I saw that...THANK YOU ALL!! ♡
Also this is a 1k Special One-shot. Thank you all again!

   I was laying on our couch, boredly scrolling through the internet, looking for something to do. It was 11 in the morning and Saeran still hadn't woken up yet. When I woke up, he was snoring lightly and had a cute expression as he had his arms wrapped around me. I kissed him on the cheek, carefully unwrapped his arms from me, and stepped out of bed. That was about half an hour ago. I smiled to myself at the thought of his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful when he slept. After checking one last time, I turned my phone off and decided to go check on him. As I opened the door to our room, I saw a nearly full red-haired head poking out from underneath the covers. I came over to him, and he was awake, but was shaking and seemed to be crying.
   I sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed his back to comfort him. "Saeran...are you okay?" I asked him in a gentle tone. I heard him take a breath shakily and he replied, "W-what if Saeyoung really is gone..? What if th-they killed him..?" His voice broke at the end and I hugged him. "We'll find him, I promise. He'll be okay, because you and I both know he is very strong and capable, as well as smart," I answered. "B-but what if he-" he completely broke down at this point, shaking intensely and hiding his face with his hands. I got back on my side of the bed and snuggled Saeran close to me. Instead of hiding his face in his hands, he was crying into my shoulder now as we laid there, and I hugged him closer. "Everything will be okay soon, Saeran. I promise you with everything I have," I whispered to him and, after awhile, he calmed down.
   I let go of him and he sat up, wiping his tears. "It's been nearly half a year, Y/N," he reminded me. "But when half a year comes around, Saeran, we'll have already found your brother and we will all live a happy, comfortable life together," I replied. He smiled at the thought of this and nodded, "Okay, I'll believe you, and us and the RFA will work even harder to find him." I grinned at his determination. I'm sure it was difficult enough with his past and his time at Mint Eye, but his brother being held hostage by his own father...at that point, I would be broken right now. It's remarkable how he has managed to keep working as hard as he can, even with all of this going on.
   "I'm going to use the bathroom and then I'll make us breakfast, Y/N!" Saeran called to me from the bathroom doorway. "Okay!" I called back. I stepped out of the bedroom and made my way back to the couch. I still couldn't believe how he managed to stay strong with everything going on. My boyfriend was amazing. I heard the bathroom door open and he walked out. "How does strawberry pancakes sound?" he suggested. I gasped, "That sounds soooo good! I wish I could make you something...but when it comes to cooking...I'd burn the house down..." I laughed nervously. "Plus you make the best EVERYTHING." "I could teach you," Saeran said. At this point stars must've been in my eyes, because he laughed when I looked at him with my overwhelming happiness. "YOU'D DO THAT?!" I squealed. "Of course, you're my future wife, and current beautiful girlfriend." I blushed, but continued, "You're literally the best when it comes to cooking. I'd be extremely grateful if you'd teach me, Sensei." I said both in seriousness and to tease him. "Haha, you don't have to be that formal. Here, you can even help me cook."
   I followed him into the kitchen and did the things he asked of me. He told me to get all of the ingredients to make the batter, and I did. He mixed it up and started to cook the pancakes. I watched in fascination as he flipped them at the perfect time just to have it flipped perfectly once more. "You're so good...I could never match you..." I sighed. He patted my head and served all of the strawberry pancakes, serving his own with a bunch of whipped cream and maple syrup to make it sweeter. "Haha, you really like sweets, don't you?" I laughed as I saw the pile of whipped cream and syrup on his pancakes. "Yeah...They're delicious. I especially like ice cream..." he added. I took and bite of the pancakes that tasted like heaven. "Then why don't we go out for some today? My treat," I asked. "R-really?" He looked at me, surprised. "Well, since I can't cook, it's the least I can do," I said. His eyes lit up and he finished his pancakes in a rush.
   He stood up and put his dishes in the sink. Saeran then practically ran into the bedroom. I was questioning what was happening right now, but I finished my pancakes first. When I was setting my plate in the sink, Saeran came out, all dressed to go out. "I'm ready!!" he said excitedly. "Are you sure you want to get some now? It's only noon..." I said. He gave a sad look and said in a way I couldn't resist, "Oh...okay...I guess we can wait until later..." "N-no! It's okay! We can go now if that's what you really want!" I quickly interrupted. "Yay!" "Just let me get dressed first." I chose a simple yet pretty outfit and got ready to go out. "Okay, I'm ready." I said as I walked out. "Yes! I haven't had ice cream in so many years...I'm so excited!" I smiled at his enthusiasm and went out the door with him. We drove all the way down to the ice cream shop that all of the other RFA members adored when they went out, except for Jumin, of course. We entered the shop and ordered our favorite ice creams.
   We sat at the tables in the outside portion of the shop. Apparently, when I was eating my ice cream, I had gotten some on my nose, and Saeran did the unexpected. He licked it right off my nose. "S-Saeran!?" I asked in shock. "What~? Isn't this what couples are supposed to do~?" he said, smiling. I was blushing horribly while he said this. "I-I never really expected you were the type to do that s-sort of thing..." I said. "Well, Y/N, you should expect the unexpected," Saeran answered. I finished my ice cream hurriedly, careful not to get any more on my nose. While doing this, I kept looking at my nose cross-eyed to check for any. "Haha, you're cute, Y/N." This only made me blush more. When we had both finished our ice cream, we left to go back home. "Hey, Y/N..." Saeran started as we were driving back. "Yeah, Saeran?" I answered. "Thank you...for everything..." I looked over at him. "For the ice cream? It was nothing." "No, not just the ice cream. Also for saving me...You saved me from myself, you helped me escape my torture, you changed my mindset, you gave me freedom, you comfort me if I'm sad, you treat me to things, and even after all that, no matter what mistake I make, no matter what I do, you always forgive me and you still manage to look up to me...You're honestly amazing...and I love you. I love you so much...and you love me right back...Thank you..." By now, we were home, and I hugged him. "You're welcome, Saeran, but you did all of that for yourself, too. I love you more than you know..." I said and kissed him on the lips.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now