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   I wandered around the building, searching for Saeran, even though every part of me was trying so hard to fight back. Is this how it is for Saeran and Ray? Is this how they feel? My uncontrollable body came to a stop. My mind questioned it, but was drowned out with thoughts of faith to Mint Eye and the 'Savior'. I unwillingly turned my head towards a believer. Even though he was trying very hard to hide his hair, I could tell it was V. Why was he here? He was supposed to be with Vanya. "I don't recognize you as one of the regular believers. Who are you?" my voice questioned, although I didn't want to say that. I wanted to scream for him to help. He sighed and tugged his cloak to cover his face more. 'No, V! That's not me!' I tried to shout, but it only came out as a thought. I felt like crying as I realized I was going to be completely controlled soon. "Oh, Y/N. It's just you. I thought you might've been someone else, haha," he laughed.
   I felt horrible. This 'new me' was going to make him stay with Rika, I knew it. "V? You aren't a legitimate member of the Mint Eye association. I will need to report you to the Savior," my voice said. "You-what? Wait, let me see your eyes!" he shouted and grabbed my shoulders to face me towards him. "That is none of your concern," I sounded and jerked away from him. "I saw the tint in your eyes...They gave you the elixir, didn't they? I didn't think Rika would take it this far...You must be in so much pain..." Now that he said it, I noticed I was in pain. Much pain. "We need to get you back to my house...I'll be able to help you there. To my surprise, I could somewhat control what I said next. "I will not leave this building." I couldn't just leave Saeran here in this horrible place. "We need to get you treatment. You need to get out of here," V insisted. "No! I'm not leaving Saeran!" I shouted. I controlled what I said again.
   "So it's not in full effect yet...that's good. But please, just let me give you treatment. Follow me," he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the shadows as other believers walked by. We snuck out, avoiding the cameras and into the woods. We came out of the woods not far from there and V's car was there. "Just sit and I'll drive," he said. "But V...your eyes..." I said out of concern. "I'll be fine. It's only going to take a short while. I know a few shortcuts." I trusted in him and sat quietly. I stared out of the window, thinking about Saeran. Would he even take me back? Would V have the heart to do that? He wouldn't. I'd have to come back myself, so I paid close attention to the directions we went in. When the house was in sight, something flickered inside me, and I couldn't control myself again. 'No!' I thought. Meanwhile, my voice said, "LET ME GO!!" I was hitting V now and the sunglasses he put on just before driving were knocked off, revealing his dim eyes. They seemed to have the life sucked out of them, like they didn't have a purpose. "Just calm down, Y/N. I know you can't help it much, but please. I'm only trying to help you," he exited the vehicle and brought back another substance that looked like the elixir, but clear, like water. "Sorry, but you need to come back to your senses," he apologized before pinning me down and forcing the me that wasn't me to drink it. It had the same consistency, but it felt different, plus it tasted bitter. "Blech!" I said when it was gone.
   "Do you happen to go by the name of 'V'?" I heard a female voice ask. "Y-yes, and who are you?" V replied as he stood up and turned around. "My name is Vanya. I've come to help you out. I heard you were having difficulties." So she has been here for awhile, hasn't she? Whoops... "Oh, I've heard about you from Y/N. Would you like to come in?" he offered, and I took my chance while he was occupied. I slipped underneath the car. I wasn't fully myself, but both the controlled me and I had the same intentions, to get back to Mint Eye for Saeran, but we each had different reasons for wanting it. V closed the door after calling to me that I could come in when I was ready. I then crawled back out from under the vehicle and started on my way back to the hidden building. It was getting dark now, but I didn't take that into account when I set off. Slowly, I was regaining my senses and was able to control myself. When this happened, I got a major headache. "So this is how Ray felt...this really hurts..." I mumbled. "A/L, you've been very quiet. You okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm just not feeling well...I might go away soon," she answered. Both her and I knew it was for the better and I nodded. I continued on the dark path in the moonlight, and honestly, I was scared. Anything could happen at this point.
   I tried as best as I could to see where I was, but I couldn't make it out that well. My phone then buzzed. Once, twice, it continued to buzz, not a call, but texts. I pulled out my phone and apparently V had told everyone on a chatroom that I had went out of his house and was missing, not explaining why I was there. Everyone had spammed me with texts, but this had happened hours ago. I had only just gotten service. Then it buzzed one last time, notifying me of a recent text from Saeran.

Saeran: I had time to hack into the chatroom from my phone and saw what was written.
Saeran: Rika gave you the elixir, right?...I'm so sorry
Saeran: Please go back to V, or at least answer. It's dangerous to come back here, please don't.
Y/N: I left to go back for you, and I'm not stopping now...because I love you...I'm not leaving you at that wretched place.

   I responded with determination, and started on my way with more courage than I had before. He had responded back, and so I checked.

Saeran: ...
Saeran: I'll be waiting for you then. Please don't get caught. I'll be at the far edge of the garden. No one ever checks there.
Y/N: Okay, I'm coming. It'll take awhile though.

   He read the text and I started running on the path V had used to get out of there. It took me no more than 45 minutes to get the rest of the way there at the speed I was traveling. I made my way quietly around the edge of the woods, careful to avoid any people and cameras. I came to a clear way to get to Saeran and ran that way. "You're really shouldn't have come." He whispered. "No, I'll always be here for you. But we need to leave. Follow me." I whispered back, and we made a run for it towards the path V had shown me prior.

Sorry if this chapter or the recent chapters have been a bit wacky...I haven't really had many ideas for these chapters so they might be weird. QwQ I'm sorry to you all

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now