A Meaningful Talk

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   I sat on the couch in the living room next to Aislinn, who was eating a popsicle. She handed me one and I took it. I was worried for Ray since he had ran to the shower immediately after running to the car back there. I heard the bathroom door open and began to get up, but Aislinn grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. "Give him some time," she said. "He'll probably need time to think after what happened in the park." I had told her what happened after she saw me dreamily staring at no space in particular. She had questioned me after laughing a bit at my expression. I nodded and started to eat the popsicle. "Will he be okay though?" I asked her, turning to face towards her. "I'm not sure why you care so much about the person who tried to kill you literally yesterday at, like, two in the morning, but he'll be fine." I smiled at her somewhat reassuring words. We talked for another half hour before she got up to use the restroom. I took both our popsicle sticks and wrappers and got up to throw them in the trash. As I was walking to the kitchen to dispose of the garbage, I heard footsteps start down the stairs. I thought Aislinn was already back, but when I looked, it was Ray. He had everything but his magenta coat on and he looked sad and anxious. "A-ah!" he gasped as I noticed him. "Ah, sorry! So sorry! I-I'll go back to m-my room now..." Ray had ran back to his room and closed the door rather loudly.
   I paused for a moment, still looking at the stairs, then went over to the garbage can to throw the popsicle sticks and wrappers away. After throwing them away, I walked back to the couch. I hugged my knees close and hid my face in sadness and discourage. What if kissing him was too soon and too sudden? What if I had ruined my chances with him because of it? What if he's just going to avoid me now like he just did? Thoughts raced my mind as the sadness grew deeper. "Ray..." I whispered. I heard footsteps approaching and quickly hid my sadness with a cheery smile and put my legs down. "I'm back," Aislinn said as she walked into the room. "I heard someone come down the stairs when I was in the bathroom. But why did he run back up?" she asked. "I think he's avoiding me, but I'll just talk to him later," I smiled. "Oh...okay," she replied as if she knew the smile was fake. Our conversations continued, but this time, we got on the topic of Yoosung.
   "So how's it going with Yoosung?" I asked. She blushed red and said, "Pretty good..." "Does he like you yet?" I teased. "I-I don't know...Why don't you ask him?" she said stubbornly. "Okay. I will right now." I pulled my phone out and called Yoosung in my contacts. Coincidentally, he picked up and so I put it on speaker. "Hey, Y/N!" Yoosung called through the phone. "What's up?" he asked. "Well, Yoosung, you know that group you play LOLOL with?" "Yeah, what about them?" "Do you happen to remember a girl with the username 'Ai-Wolf'?" I questioned. "Yeah! I play with her every day! What about her?" I smirked and saw Aislinn's flustered face. "She happens to be my best friend, and she's here right now." I heard him drop something, maybe a computer mouse, and then ask, "Wait, REALLY?!" "Yeah, you wanna talk to her?" I handed the phone to her. "H-hey Yoosung...how's it going?" Aislinn nervously asked. "Hey, Aislinn!" I heard Yoosung reply energetically. I winked at her and gave her finger guns as I walked out of the room and towards the stairs. I made my way up and knocked on Ray's door. "Ray? Are you in there?" "U-um...No..?" he said. "Can you please open up?" I asked him through the door. He didn't reply so I tried again. "Ray, I want to talk to you so could you pleaseee open the door?" I heard a sigh and the door unlocked.
   I opened it up and I immediately heard sniffles. "Ray? Are you okay?" I asked as I came over to where he was sitting on the bed. "I-I'm sorry if the kiss was too sudden I just-" "No, it's not you, Y/N...It's me..." he interrupted. "What about you?" I asked. "You didn't do anything wrong." "I ran away from you...I'm such a worthless waste of life...I'm so sorry for being an airhead...I'll be useful from now on, I won't be useless and stupid...Please forgive me, Y/N..." The sniffles grew louder as his words came out. "Ray..." I said gently. "You aren't any of those things. You aren't a waste of space, you aren't an airhead, you aren't useless, and you certainly aren't worthless." "I don't deserve to have this. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve to even live...or think and act on my own like I did today..." "You can do all of those things. You deserve all of those things. You just need to have faith in yourself. I can help you. No, I will help you. Ray, you deserve the world and more." I said as I hugged him from behind, as he wasn't facing me. He turned around and cried into my shoulder as I hugged him tighter. "You...you really think so?.." he sniffled. "I know so, Ray..."
   His tears slowed down as my words began to sink into him. "Y/N..?" he whispered. "Yeah?" I replied. "Do you think that one day I could be able to live a happy, free life with you..?" "Of course, Ray. I will make sure that happens." I could feel him smile as he leaned into me. After a short while, I heard soft snoring coming from him. I wondered if he also had a headache when I came in, so I decided to stay for a little while. As I laid there with Ray, I heard small squeals and giggles from downstairs and smiled to myself. Aislinn must be having fun with Yoosung...hehe. I slowly closed my eyes with Ray by my side. Once I fell asleep, I once again arrived in their mind. I saw Saeran and Ray fighting once more. Well, more like Saeran was trying to fight with him. Saeran shouted, "Why are you being so nice to her?! And sleeping with her?! What do you think you're doing!?" Meanwhile Ray just said, "She's amazing...she deserves the world...Saeran, how can you not love her, too? Y/N is the best person I have ever met, and that includes the people you've met, too..." Ray sighed dreamily while Saeran scoffed.
   "Umm, hey..?" I half-asked. They both stopped what they were doing and stared at me. Then Saeran yelled, "Oh, great. Now you're even sleeping together!?" I blankly stared at him and Ray blushed and said, "It's not really a bad thing..." "Maybe you should calm down a bit, Saeran..." I tried. "It's my body, too, you know!!" he screamed at me and I sweatdropped. "Haha..." I nervously laughed.

*DISCONTINUED* My Cute Tomato (Saeran x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now